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Monitor Election and Social Research

Analysis of the parliamentary election in Hesse on 8 October 2023

Report on the preliminary final result, the main voting determinants, voter migration and social structure.

The CDU wins the parliamentary election in Hesse. It achieves 34.6 percent and gains 7.6 percentage points compared to the 2018 election. While in 2018 CDU and SPD suffered considerable losses, the CDU recovered while the SPD lost again. At 15.1 percent the SPD is the third largest party in parliament now. The AfD wins votes and has a share of 18.4 percent. The Greens are down to 14.8 percent. The FDP passes the five-percent hurdle while the Linke comes in at 3.1 percent and will not be part of the new parliament.

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FDP lose. In Hesse, as in Bavaria, the parties of the governing coalition on the federal level suffer losses. The AfD achieves its best result in a West German state. The Left Party is no longer represented in parliament after 15 years.

As a centrist party, the CDU scores both with the leadership of Minister President Boris Rhein and with competence in important issues. The SPD was unable to convince voters either with its candidate, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, or with its problem-solving skills. The Greens suffered heavy losses, especially in their core competence, climate and environmental policy. The AfD scored in the area of refugee and asylum policy. In addition, the gloomy economic mood is particularly influential among AfD supporters.


The election analysis for the Hesse state election can be found here.


All graphs and tables on which the election analysis is based can be found in the appendix.

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Dr. Viola Neu


Deputy Head of Division Analysis and Consulting,
Head of Department Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3506

Dr. Sabine Pokorny


Electoral and Social Research +49 30 26996-3544


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About this series

The publications of the Election and Social Research Monitor are part of our Monitor publication series. The Monitor series deals with one main topic at a time from the perspective of KAS experts and places it in the political and social context on the basis of a few key points.