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Youth4Policy Migration Fellowship

Call for Applications 2024

Applications are now open for the second cohort of the Youth4Policy fellowship on migration, empowering young policy analysts to contribute to policy development in Uganda.

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Migration Project Newsletter

Matters of Migration: Learn more about our Migration Project Impactful Initiatives in Uganda and South Sudan.

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Examining Migration Policy in Uganda: Insights from Youth4Policy Papers

This publication is a combination of different policy papers on the topic of Migration, by our 2022 Youth4Policy (Y4P) fellows. Download a copy here!

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“I Am Pro-myself”

Discover insights into Uganda’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine with our report, available for download now!

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Welcome the homepage of the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Uganda. Since its foundation in 1964, the engagement in political education in order to realise peace, freedom and justice as core principles to consolidate democracy has been the foundation’s focal area. This has been the basis of KAS’ work in Uganda for more than three decades.

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Media library

The private sector in Uganda

What are opportunities for growth? Where does the private sector stand?

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Event review

Writing as Emancipatory Practise

A quick rewind of the discussion with our alumni and scholars

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SMC 2019 - Conference Impressions

Here a glance at some video impressions of our last Uganda Social Media Conference 2019.

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Youth4Policy Trailer

The “Youth4Policy” is an initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to enhance youth participation in governance and policy formulation in Uganda - Check out the Trailer.

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SMC 2019 - Interview with Nanjala Nyabola

Have a glance at some video impressions of our last Social Media Conference 2019. Here an Interview with Nanjala Nyabola - Kenyan Author and Internet Activist.

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Geopolitics 2019 - Interview with Charles Onyango-Obbo

Check out video impressions of our last Kampala Geopolitics Conference 2019 - Here an interview with Keynote speaker Charles Onyango-Obbo.

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