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International Reports and Communication

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The International Reports and Communication department in the European and International Cooperation division is responsible for the International Reports (Ai) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), a journal on international issues, foreign policy and development cooperation published four times a year. In addition to the printed edition, the Ai also offer an information platform on the international work of our over 100 Foundation offices on the website

Freedom of the press and freedom of opinion are fundamental prerequisites for the functioning of a democracy and thus a focal point of our work abroad, which finds expression in the form of international media programmes at our offices in Johannesburg, Singapore and Sofia. The International Reports and Communication department is responsible for the coordination of these activities, as well as for the annual F.A.Z.-KAS debate organised jointly with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, the aim of which is to give greater weight to important discussions on foreign policy issues in Germany.

The department is also the point of contact for our Foundation offices and consults and supports them in the areas of social media strategies and multimedia formats.

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The current issue

Climate. Energy. Security

Climate. Energy. Security.

The fight against climate change is not merely a question of ecological necessity but a question of economic reason. It is a question of generational equity, a question of compassion and a question of humanity and its future. These are the aspects Angela Merkel reminded her audience of when she addressed the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) at the end of 2015. Accordingly, the latest issue of International Reports deals with the topic "Climate. Energy. Security.".

Show table of contents


Climate. Energy. Security.

  • Editorial of the issue "Climate. Energy. Security."

    The fight against climate change is not merely a question of ecological necessity but a question of economic reason. It is a question of generational equity, a question of compassion and a question of humanity and its future.

    by Gerhard Wahlers

  • On the Wrong Track?

    German Climate Policy after the Paris Agreement

    The Paris Agreement has stimulated the German debate about climate protection and has once more drawn further attention to issues like the ''Energiewende'' (energy transition) or national climate targets. But what derives from the Paris Agreement for Germany? How can Germany contribute most effectively and efficiently to the development of global climate protection – and how rather not?

    by Jasper Eitze

  • At the Limits of Endurance

    Climate Change and Resource Conflicts as Challenges to the Asia-Pacific Region

    What is feared in Europe is already a reality in Asia: Up to 30 million people have had to flee their homes. Climate change, energy shortages and competition over resources have exacerbated conflicts among states – a vicious circle that threatens to nullify all developmental progress made thus far, the consequences of which even Europe will be forced to bear.

    by Peter Hefele, Johannes Vogel, Eric Lee

  • Security Risks from Climate Change

    New (Old) Conflicts in Latin America

    Climate change has gained a firm hold on Latin America. Hurricanes, melting glaciers, droughts and flooding are the aspects that grab the media spotlight. The increasing risks to the electricity supply and the growing adaptation pressure in the megacities are slower to come to public attention. In addition, worsening conflicts over water and land use pose new security policy challenges.

    by Christian Hübner

  • Climate Change and Energy Security in the Anthropocene

    Africa in the Light of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement

    Africa is affected particularly strongly by the impacts of climate change. The continent, home to 1.2 billion people, many of whom live below the poverty line, is experiencing more frequent instances of drought and torrential rain. The implementation of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement of December 2015 will depend substantially on the steps African states will be prepared to take to drive their further development while making efforts to minimise the emission of greenhouse gases.

    by Oliver C. Ruppel, Arne Wulff

  • From Opposition to Adaptation

    Energy Security and Economic Change as Drivers of a New Climate Policy in the Gulf?

    For a long time, the conservative position of the Gulf States in international climate diplomacy was considered an obstacle to climate protection, as the profits from the lucrative trade in oil and gas ensured economic prosperity and political stability. The breakthrough of the COP21 negotiations in Paris, however, has provided indications of cautious change, driven above all by increasing concerns about the countries’ own energy security and falling returns from oil.

    by Gidon Windecker, Sebastian Pfülb

  • At the Crossroads

    The Role of Renewable Energies in Kazakhstan’s Macroeconomic Development

    For many developing countries and states undergoing the transition to a market economy, the promise of vast natural resources has long since become a burden. Initially, the traditional economy was sacrificed to the “lure of the fast buck”, but the wealth based on natural resources came to benefit only a select few. Ultimately, the country missed the right time to utilise its natural resource wealth to develop the economy in a way that would secure future prosperity. Is Kazakhstan going a different way?

    by Thomas Helm, Nicolas Scholz

Other Topics

  • Trump is Simply the End Product

    The Polarisation of U.S. Politics Is the Culmination of Long-Term Trends

    At the beginning of the U.S. primaries, the candidacies of political outsiders Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders invoked laughter among the political establishment in Washington. But the possibility of a candidate such as Trump actually ending up in the White House can no longer be ruled out. This article addresses a number of factors in the polarisation of U.S. politics and society and will illustrate that this is the result of long-term trends.

    by Céline-Agathe Caro

  • Where Putin’s Russia Ends

    “Novorossija” and the Development of National Consciousness in Ukraine

    In early 2014 the existence of an independent Ukraine hung by a thread. Russia had annexed the Crimean Peninsula, and with the “Russian Spring” a “hybrid” war in eastern Ukraine was initiated. At this moment the watchwords of “Novorossija” and Moscow’s “reconquering” of South-Eastern Ukraine gained popularity. Ultimately, the failure of the idea of a “Novorossija” is attributable mainly to developments within Ukraine that involved a renegotiation not only of ethno-national allegiances, but also of national and political loyalities since 1991.

    by André Härtel

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Benjamin Gaul

Benjamin Gaul

Head of the Department International Reports and Communication +49 30 26996 3584


Team member

Dr. Sören Soika


Editor-in-Chief International Reports (Ai) +49 30 26996 3388
Team member

Rana Taskoparan

Rana Taskoparan

Referentin Kommunikation und Vermarktung +49 30 26 996 3623
Team member

Fabian Wagener

Fabian Wagener

Desk Officer for Multimedia +49 30-26996-3943

Maxi-Laura Krüger

Maxi-Laura Krüger bild

Secretary / Assistant +49 30 26996-3384 +49 30 26996-53384

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Media library

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The not so-United States: Prof. Stephan Bierling on the USA before the election

A few days before the US presidential election, we talk to US expert Stephan Bierling about the causes of the massive partisan polarization in the US.

Neue episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Two years of Meloni: between the radical fringe and the middle class?

When Giorgia Meloni won the parliamentary elections in Italy, there was talk of a “historic turning point”. Today, the view of the prime minister has become more differentiated.

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Austria votes: Triumph of the right-wing populists?

Austria is electing a new parliament. Polls have been showing the right-wing populist FPÖ in the lead but the race seems to be more open than it was a few weeks ago.

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The US election and the future of the EU: MEP Daniel Caspary in conversation

Harris or Trump? The question of who will move into the White House is also driving European politics. We take a look at the US presidential election with MEP Caspary.

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Interview with Jens Spahn: What will be the future of globalization?

Geopolitical tensions are increasing. The IMF speaks of “geo-economic fragmentation”. So is globalization as we know it coming to an end?

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

The "forgotten" catastrophe: On the war in Sudan

With a view to the war in Sudan, observers say it is currently the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. But what are the underlying causes of the conflict?

New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Society and politics in Ukraine: inside views from a troubled country

In this episode, we take a look at Ukraine - but less at the actual events on the front line and more at the mood in Ukrainian society and politics.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Nuclear weapons expert Frank Sauer: Putin's nuclear threats and the concept of nuclear deterrence

What is Russian President Putin calculating with his nuclear weapons threats? How does "nuclear deterrence" work and why is it gaining importance again?

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities

Is the USA scaling back its commitment to Europe's security? In this episode, we talk to political scientist Dr. Puglierin about the US view of Europe.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

And now, Europe? Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy on the European elections and their consequences

Europe has voted. But what lessons can be learned from the election? What does the result mean for the future policy of the European Union?

New episode "Auslandsinfo Spotlight"

The NATO debate in the USA and the alliance's partnership with Colombia

How is NATO and the country's future foreign policy being discussed in the USA? And a look at the NATO partnership with Colombia.

New episode "Auslandsinfo Spotlight"

Danger in the Red Sea: Yemen's Houthis and the freedom of navigation

For months, the Houthis have been attacking trading ships with drones and rockets off the coast of Yemen. But what is the rationale behind these attacks?

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts

Südchinesisches Meer: Einblicke in einen „geopolitischen Hotspot“

Neben Taiwan ist das Südchinesische Meer derzeit der geopolitische Hotspot im Indopazifik. Warum das so ist, das besprechen wir in dieser Folge mit dem Asien-Experten Jan Senkyr.

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts

Russische Propaganda weltweit: Was wir dagegen tun können

Wir fassen wir die Ergebnisse unserer Podcast-Serie mit unserer Expertin für Medienpolitik Daphne Wolter zusammen. Was wir alle gegen Fake News und Desinformation tun?

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts

Die umworbene Braut: Wie positioniert sich Argentinien im neuen globalen Machtgefüge?

In dieser Ausgabe von Auslandsinfo Spotlight klären wir mit unserer Expertin Susanne Käss, wie sich Argentinien im neuen globalen Machtgefüge positioniert.

Neue Ausgabe von „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“

Systemkonflikt? Nein danke! Warum sich viele Staaten nicht auf eine Seite schlagen...

Wir sprechen mit dem Außenpolitiker Peter Beyer und der Politikwissenschaftlerin Dr. Canan Atilgan.

Neue Podcastfolge von „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“

Signal der Geschlossenheit? Der NATO-Gipfel in Vilnius und die Zukunft der Ukraine

Bald findet der NATO-Gipfel in Vilnius statt. Wir sprechen mit den Expertinnen Dr. Christina Krause und Christina Bellmann u.a. darüber, welches Signal nach Russland gesendet wird.

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“

Politik und Umweltschutz in der Antarktis: Miriam Wolter und Antje Boetius im Gespräch

Wie stark bedroht der Klimawandel den überwiegend von Eis bedeckten Kontinent? Und was muss getan werden, um diese auch für die Wissenschaft so bedeutsame Region zu schützen?

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts

Pressefreiheit in Kenia, Uganda und Südafrika: Der tägliche Kampf des Lokaljournalismus

In dieser Ausgabe sprechen wir mit den Gewinnern des KAS Media Africa Award for Local Journalism: Raquel Muigai (Kenia), Jeff Wicks (Südafrika) und Esther Oluka (Uganda).

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts Auslandsinfo Spotlight

Russlands Krieg und die globale Ordnung: Carlo Masala im Gespräch

. In dieser Folge unseres Podcasts sprechen wir mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Carlo Masala über das Expansionsstreben Moskaus und die internationale Ordnung.

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“

Todesurteil gegen Deutsch-Iraner: Gazelle Sharmahd über die Situation ihres Vaters im Iran

Der Deutsch-Iraner Jamshid Sharmahd sitzt im Iran in Isolationshaft und gegen ihn wurde das Todesurteil verhängt. Wir sprechen seiner Tochter des Gazelle Sharmahd.

Neue Folge unseres Podcasts

Klimawandel in der Arktis: Die Meeresforscherin Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius im Gespräch

Wir sprechen mit der Meeresforscherin Antje Boetius über die Auswirkungen der Eisschmelze und die Möglichkeiten der Politik, dem Klimawandel entgegenzutreten.

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts

Die Arktis: Zwischen Konflikt und Kooperation

Wir sprechen mit dem Außenpolitiker Knut Abraham und dem China-Experten David Merkle unter anderem darüber, welche Ziele China und Russland in der Region verfolgen.

Neue Folge unseres Podcasts „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“.

Wahl in Griechenland: Droht die Unregierbarkeit?

Wir sprechen mit unserem Experten Marian Wendt über die Situation in Griechenland vor der Parlamentswahl. Welche Rolle spielt das Zugunglück im Wahlkampf?

Neue Ausgabe unseres Podcasts „Auslandsinfo Spotlight“

Blick in politische Thailand: Droht ein weiterer Militärputsch?

In dieser Ausgabe blicken wir aufs politische Thailand: Grund sind die anstehenden Parlamentswahlen. Unsere Expertin Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro ist bei uns im Interview.

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