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Scholars' Annual Meeting: Media in a Changing World

The third Scholars’ Annual Meeting took place in the cultural capital of Bulgaria - the beautiful and ancient town of Plovdiv from 19th to 21st of April 2024.
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Two years later: Why are Sputnik and RT still accessible within the EU?

Some of the EU sanctions against Russia are targeting propaganda channels. Yet, two years later, some of them are still easily accessible on EU territory. And the question is why?
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Frankfurt Oder

20th Frankfurt Days on Media Law – Strategies against Disinformation and Propaganda

On 17 and 18 January 2024, the 20th Frankfurt Days on Media Law took place at the European University Viadrina.
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On the fringes of war

About 30 journalists, editors-in-chief, and media experts debated about the effects of the Russian aggression against Ukraine on neighbouring countries.
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Adenauer Lecture 2023: The Crisis of the regional journalism in Germany and beyond

On December 5th, 2023, the sixth edition of the Adenauer Lecture took place at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski".
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to the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung! On this page, you will find extensive information about our activities in the region. The goal of the Media Program is to strengthen the role of the media in the course of democratization and transformation - through advanced training, consultancy, dialog and network building.

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Media library

KAS Media Programme South East Europe
Find out in the video what we exactly do, what our mission and values are and what we stand for.
Four media stories from the Balkans
The Lonely Long-Distance Runners
In the documentary “The lonely long-distance runners”, journalists and media managers speak about their work in Albania, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia.

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