
Anti-Corruption Checklist

Public Sector Corruption Risk Assessment Checklist

KAS Kenia in partnership with UNODC & EACC developed a Public Sector Corruption Risk Assessment Checklist to provide knowledge & information on how to recognize & detect corruption

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Country report

Ostafrika: Vom Regen in die Traufe

Welchen Einfluss üben aktuelle Überschwemmungen auf die gesellschaftspolitische Entwicklung der Region aus?

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Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Season's Greetings

KAS Kenya wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Cultural Day

Utamaduni Day

KAS Kenyas joins all Kenyans in celebrating their diverse culture.

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Kenya @ 60

Happy Jamhuri Day

KAS Kenya wishes all Kenyans a Happy Jamhuri Day

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Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day

KAS Kenya celebrate todays International Human Rights Day. Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights into the future.

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to the homepage of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Kenya. The work of KAS in Kenya is guided by the understanding that democracy and rule of law are mandatory for a peaceful future in Kenya. By carrying out activities for political leaders and members of the civil society, we encourage participants to engage in the political process.

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Chaguo (Choice)

Chaguo Film

The overall objective of the film is to edutain the Kenyan youth and society in general on the importance of participating in politics and more so elections.

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Siasa Bomba Talk Show - Zweite Episode

Role of the Senate in the political governance

Hon. Abshiro Halake and Hon. Antony Kimani Ichung'wa diskutieren über die Rolle des Senats in Kenya.

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Social Market Economy

Business Hero: Dr. Maxwell Okoth

Our business hero for this film Dr. Maxwell Okoth of Ruai Family Hospital- Kenya shares his entrepreneurial journey of starting a health Care facility from scratch.

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The role of Governors in Devolution in Kenya

Diese Talk Show ist eine Produktion der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Kenia, um Debatten von nationalen Interesse mit ausgewählten Gästen zu präsentieren.

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Kenya Institute of Puppet Theatre

Puppetry Shows

Die Puppenshow des Kenya Institute of Puppet Theatre fördert politische Bildung und veranschaulicht politische Verantwortlichkeit in Kenia.

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Religion and Politics

Role of Religion in Politics and Governance in Kenya

Religion and politics are concepts that designate two different & interdependent subsystems of society. Although the concepts may differ analytically, the two are interdependent.

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Food Security

Post Covid 19 Food Security Scenarios in Kenya

National & County governments in Kenya have discussions on restoring socio-economic status disrupted by Covid-19 & other factors.How will this address food & nutritional security?

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Devolution in Kenya

Devolution in Kenya ten years on: A Review of Implementation and Effects

How is the current structure of the new polity aligned with the constitutional vision for economic, social and political inclusion built on the principles of Decentralization?

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Democracy in Kenya

Taking Stock of Democratic Gains & Losses in Kenya: A Revisit of the International Day for Democracy

Virtual forum on the state of democracy in Kenya where we look into the gains and losses made in the recent past.

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Social Market Economy

Launch of Business Heroes Film, Dr. Maxwel Okoth

Virtual launch of documentary film featuring Business Hero Dr. Maxwell Okoth.

