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David E. Bonior

Secretary of Labor

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Would bring to the job: A long-time heavyweight in Congress who has strong support from organized labor. Knows his way around Washington, having spent a decade as House Democratic whip, the second-ranking position in the House. Is known for his passion in fighting for unions and on income inequality issues. Serves as board chairman of American Rights at Work, a pro-labor group.

Is linked to Mr. Obama by: Attended the meeting of top economic advisers on Oct. 6; invited because he is close to the automobile industry and organized labor.

In his own words: “The work of America is still done by people who pack a lunch, punch a clock and pour their heart and soul into every paycheck. And we can’t afford to leave them behind.” (From a 1993 speech, closing the House debate, against the North American Free Trade Agreement.)

Used to work as: Campaign manager for John Edwards’s presidential campaign in 2007-8. Elected in 1976, Mr. Bonior served for 26 years in the House of Representatives, representing Macomb and St. Clair Counties in Michigan. A professor of labor studies at Wayne State University, he also worked as an adoption caseworker and a probation officer before serving two terms in the Michigan House of Representatives.

Carries as baggage: Has faced criticism for being hostile to free trade because of his opposition to NAFTA. Businesses might be wary because of his closeness to labor and his championing of the Employee Free Choice Act, which would make it easier for workers to unionize.

Résumé includes: Born June 6, 1945, in Detroit. ... graduated from Notre Dame High School in Detroit and the University of Iowa. ... Masters in history from Chapman University in Orange, Calif. ... Lost the Democratic primary to be governor of Michigan in 2002. ... Married to Judy Briggs, a longtime Congressional aide, with a combined family of three children and seven grandchildren.


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