Издател на активи

Social Market Economy

Издател на активи


The dialogue on the principles of the Social Market Economy is one of the core topics of the European and international cooperation of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. We are convinced that the concept of the Social Market Economy can serve as an orientation framework for a global linkage between growth and social justice. The principles of the Social Market Economy establish an order striving for justice. In many states these principles might provide an orientation guide in terms of a sustainable economic and social development. Many of the German experiences made, as well as particular elements of the Social Market Economy, are of interest for our partner countries worldwide and serve the economic debate on site. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung defines its work in this field as an offer to share experiences in economic policy.

Publications (recommendations)

  • Educational Film "Refrigerator Instruction" (see navigation on the right)

    The two young journalists, Wladislawa Kolosowa and Viktoria Kleber, who both attend the School of Journalism of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), won the script contest “How to explain the principles of Social Market Economy to young people?”. The film was directed by the foundation’s audiovisual editor Josephine Landertinger.

  • Guidelines for prosperity, social justice and sustainable economic activity

    Dealing with the financial and economic global crisis brings up the question of effective international regulations. The concept of the Social Market Economy offers a framework for orientation on this purpose. It has proved on a national level. The member states of the European Union have committed themselves to work towards a “competitive social market economy” in the Treaty of Lisbon.

    The principles of the Social Market Economy have to assert themselves internationally. Leading representatives of politics and science in the European Union have made note of which principles this assertion depends on. The signatories are the President of the European Parliament, Professor Hans-Gert Pöttering, the chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Professor Bernhard Vogel, the chairman of the EPP group in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul, the chairman of the European People’s Party, Wilfried Martens, as well as the chairman of the Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor het CDA, Professor C.P. Veerman.

    The Guidelines have been published in more than 20 languages by KAS. >>

  • 60 Years of Social Market Economy

    Despite the recent constitutional anchoring of the Social Market Economy in the Lisbon Treaty of the European Union, some confusion remains about the formation, definition, implementation and potential of the distinctive German model of economic and social policy. Due to the 60th anniversary of the Social Market Economy, it is the intention of this publication to recall the historical origins and basic principles of the economic and socio-political model. >>.

  • Social Market Economy Explained in a Simple Way

    In order to support the successful introduction of the concept of the “Social Market Economy” in the Arab World, the Regional Program Near East/Mediterranean has the honor to publish the manual “Social Market Economy in the International Work of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung”. >>

Издател на активи


Matthias Schäfer

Matthias Schäfer

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Algerien

matthias.schaefer@kas.de +213 44 193 505 +213 44 193 503

David Gregosz

David Gregosz bild

Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Polen

David.Gregosz@kas.de +48 22 845-9330