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Izvještaji o zemljama

Social Media and Tanzanian Politics

This article will provide an overview of Tanzania's use of social media and its impact on political discourse.

First, we'll examine how widespread social media usage is currently compared to previous years. Following that, we'll talk about the government and its impact on social media, as well as how societies use these platforms. Dangers and risks are also discussed, as well as how politics has evolved as a result of new media.

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Tilmann Feltes

Tilmann Feltes Portrait

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Tansania +255 22 2153174


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Bereitgestellt von

Foundation Office Tanzania

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Über diese Reihe

Fondacija Konrad Adenauer ima predstavništva u oko 80 zemalja svijeta na pet kontinenata. Direktori predstavništava sa lica mjesta mogu iz prve ruke izvještavati o trenutnim događajima i dugoročnim zbivanjima u zemlji u kojoj su raspoređeni. U "izvještajima o stanju u zemlji" oni nude korisnicima Web stranice Fondacije Konrad Adenauer ekskluzivne analize, pozadinske informacije i procjene.



Meike Krieger


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Tanzania

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