Participants from 13 countries – including South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Somalia, The Gambia, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Zambia, and Lesotho – graduated from this intensive, week-long course aimed at equipping emerging leaders with tools to navigate and resolve conflicts in their organisations.
The conference was facilitated by senior journalists, academic experts and trainers from Africa and Germany, the course covered a wide range of conflict related topics. Sessions explored intergenerational newsroom dynamics, emotional intelligence, newsroom politics, and leadership’s role in conflict. Practical components, such as case studies and interactive group discussions, enabled participants to reflect on their own experiences while gaining actionable strategies.
Visits to prominent newsrooms like Standard Media Group and Royal Media Services provided a first-hand look at Kenya’s media landscape, offering valuable lessons on successes and challenges faced by local organizations.
Our partnership with the Graduate School of Media and Communications at Aga Khan University, led by Professor Nancy Booker and her team, remains vital to the success of this program. Together, we continue to foster the growth of ethical and resilient media leaders in Africa.Teme
Stavljeno na raspolaganje od strane
Call for Proposals: Lecturer, E-lection Bridge Academy, 15 – 19 April 2024, Mombasa Kenya.
O ovoj seriji
Zaklada Konrad-Adenauer, njene obrazovne ustanove, obrazovni centri i predstavništva u inostranstvu svake godine nude tisuće raznih priredbi i akcija na razne teme. O odabranim konferencijama, događajima, simpozijima itd. obavještavamo Vas aktualno i ekskluzivno na web stranici Na ovoj stranici ćete naći, pored sažetaka sadržaja, i dodatne prateće materijale kao što su slike, rukopisi govora, video i audio sadržaje.