Wednesday, 20th of June 2007
During the dayArrival of the participants
8.00 pmDinner
Thursday, 21st of June 2007
9.00 amExcursion: Catholic Academy in Berlin
Angelika Salomon
Consultant of the Catholic Academy
Mrs. Salomon gives closer insight of her work at the Catholic Academy– especially her work on interreligious dialogue.
Afterwards a guided tour to former and present places of Jewish Life in Berlin takes place.
12.00 amLunch
1.30 pm Welcome Address
Introductory Speech
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiner
Coordinator of the European Abrahamic Forum
Suggestions of topics for a presentation: What does religion represent for people today? Why is interreligious dialogue presently so important? What can institutions do to support and encourage this dialogue? Why is the developing and establishing of a network so important?
2.15 – 3.30 pm
The representatives of the performing institutions are giving a short presentation of their institutions, their programs, their aims and objectives. An exchange between the speakers and the participants is strongly encouraged.
Dr. Christina Catherine Krause
Director of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Royal Interfaith Institute Amman
Zuricher Lehrhaus
Dr. theol. Hanspeter Ernst
Director of the Züricher Lehrhaus
3.30 – 4.00 pmCoffee break
4.15 – 6.00 pmContinuation of the panel
Stiftung Weltethos
Dr. Martin Bauschke
Director of the office in Berlin
Three Faiths Forum
Karsten Van Sander
Education Officer at the Three Faiths Forum
International Council of Christians and Jews
Daniel Geese
Board member of the YLC
6.30 pmDinner
8.00 pmCultural excursion (optional)
Friday, 22nd June 2007
9.00 am
Presentation of the new Interreligious Institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina and an overview of the interreligious work of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Bosnia Herzegovina
The new Interreligious Institute, founded by the four religious leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be introduced and the activities of the office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Sarajevo presented.
12.00 – 1.30 pmLunch
1.30 – 2.30 pmConclusion of the conference and Evaluation