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Stručna konferencija

Analyzing the vulnerabilities of the Romanian judicial system

Drafting a long-term strategy reform for the Romanian justice system - project developed in 2010

The KAS Rule of Law Program South East Europe together with CADI - Center for Institutional Analysis and Development are organizing the final conference of the "Drafting a long-term strategy reform for the Romanian justice system" project.

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"Analyzing the vulnerabilities of the Romanian judicial system":


  • Introductory speeches: 15.15-15.45
Mihai Selegean, Project Manager

Horia Terpe; Executive Director CADI

Thorsten Geissler, Director,KAS-RSPSOE

Horaţius Dumbravă, President of the Superior Council of Magistracy

  • Coffee Break : 15.45-16.00
  • Description of the project : 16.00-16.45
Radu Chiriţă, Public Law Faculty, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj

Roxana Rizoiu, National Institute for Magistracy

Laura Andrei, judge, Bucharest Tribunal

Dana Gîrbovan, Cluj Courts of Appeal

Liviu Zidaru, Judge Bucharest Tribunal

Mihai Selegean, National Institute for Magistracy

  • Q & A : 16.45-18.00

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Dodati u kalendar

Mjesto održavanja

I.L. Caragiale Conference Room, Ramada Majestic Hotel (Bucharest, Romania


Vulnerabilities, Solutions and Proposals of the Romanian Justice System: Speech held at the „Analyzing the vulnerabilities of the Romanian judicial system“ Conference
Pročitaj sada

Corina Rebegea

Corina Rebegea bild

Projektkoordinatorin, Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südosteuropa +40 21 302 02 63 +40 21 326 04 07

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