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Translation of Federal Constitutional Court decisions

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Prijevod odabranih odluka Saveznog ustavnog suda Njemačke

Ustavni sudovi su čuvari ustava i tako podržavaju vladavinu prava i štite osnovna ljudska prava. Njemački savezni ustavni sud u tom pogledu ima istaknut položaj i smatra se u regiji Jugoistočne Evrope uzorom. Njegova pravna obrazloženja i argumentacija dobro su recipirani od strane ustavnih sudova, praktičara i naučnika u ovoj regiji. Razumijevanje Ustava kao živog instrumenta najvažnije je za razvoj moderne i demokratske države koja se temelji na principu vladavine prava. Relevantna sudska praksa Saveznog ustavnog suda Njemačke može pružiti smjernice i doprinijeti tom cilju.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Translation of selected decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court

State-building needs institution-building – improving the rule of law concept implies institutionalizing an independent judiciary. An effective guarantee of the constitutional order can only be achieved by effective review procedures that uphold fundamental principles of government, constitutional rights and liberties etc.


Prijevod odabranih odluka Saveznog ustavnog suda Njemačke

Izgradnja države zahtijeva izgradnju institucija - poboljšanje koncepta vladavine prava uključuje institucionalizaciju neovisnog pravosuđa. Djelotvorna garancija ustavno-pravnog poretka može se postići samo učinkovitim postupcima nadzora koji podržavaju i održavaju temeljna načela vlasti, ustavna prava i slobode, itd.

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O ovoj seriji

In order to strengthen the institutional and judicial cooperation between Germany and the countries of South East Europe, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung considers translations of landmark decision of the Federal Constitutional Court as an important step in the realm of preserving fundamental rights and liberties, safeguarding the constitutional order and applying the rule of law. All decision so far translated can be accessed in several official languages of the countries of South East Europe (PDF file and EPUB).