

Health and Climate Change: Integration, economy and sustainable development in Latin America


Latin America is a region that hosts its natural capital as a whole. The region is home to around 60 % of the planet's terrestrial species; as well as a complex and abundant flora and fauna. The wealth of its natural capital ranges from coastlines and wetlands to deserts, tropical forests, vast savannah grasslands and high-altitude habitats. However, without correct and integrated public policy management, the significant impacts on biodiversity that currently occur in large concentrations of the region's population could continue, bringing with them possible implications for human health.



Conversatorio. Salud y Cambio Climático

It is necessary to contribute to the identification of interconnected explanations between climate change and human health to achieve a better and deeper understanding of the implications of climate change on health and promote evidence-based policies; analyzing the main determinants in relational behavior, and promoting awareness of the subject.

Facing the challenges presented requires a collaborative effort between governments and multiple stakeholders in the region. For this reason, we have designed this conversation with the purpose of analyzing health and climate change issues in Latin America, and promoting comprehensive actions in the region, and analyzing proposals that contribute to the creation of transformations that lead to a resilient, sustainable economy. and socially responsible.



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Giovanni Burga

Giovanni Burga

Projektkoordinator +51 934 346 675
