The Forum of Pan-Amazonian Cities was created to strengthen the representativeness and capacity for international influence of local authorities in the Amazon region, promote the exchange of experiences and decentralized regional cooperation, especially with regard to initiatives for urban development. and sustainable territory.
The virtual sessions held in 2021 marked a new stage in the construction of this space and allowed progress towards the consolidation of the initiative. In this sense, opening the works for 2022 and with the intention of continuing to deepen this process, ICLEI South America, together with the Regional Program for Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (EKLA) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), and With the support of Waycarbon, they have the honor to convene this and the other sessions scheduled for this year. Additionally, this virtual session will be followed by the hybrid session in June and the virtual session in November.
Also, to meet the demand for face-to-face meetings and exchanges, the hybrid session will have an intense agenda of 2 days of meetings, debates and technical visits in Leticia, Colombia. And, especially for the hybrid session, this alliance has the support of the SINCHI Institute, which will host the meeting at its headquarters.
Thematic focus
In the discussions held so far, the thematic focus on accessibility to clean energy was identified as a priority. The geographical conditions and the territorial distances of the Amazonian cities create challenges in terms of energy security and access to energy.
Know and make visible the experiences of energy transition in the scope of the pan-Amazonian region;
Promote the exchange of experiences between cities;
Motivate the articulation of cities with other actors;
Facilitate commitment to the regional and international climate agenda.
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Brazil/Brasília) | 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Bolivia and Brazil/Manaus) | 09:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (Colombia and Peru)