

KAS Open day 2023

A chance to learn about KAS Cambodia and our partners.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Cambodia Open Day is an informal networking event for the public to have full access to KAS Cambodia and its partners’ initiatives and missions. KAS will introduce you to 2023’s objectives such as Digitalization and Sustainability, Media and Journalism, Youth Empowerment, Rule of law, and International Affairs and many other scholarship opportunities to study in Europe. KAS Open Day has happened since 2022, this year, we aim to introduce more opportunities, information and fun activities. Each Program Manager and partner will receive a booth of their own to showcase their work and projects. Snacks and drinks will also be provided. The event will be open to the public.



What is KAS Open Day? 

On this Open Day, you will experience a fun opportunity to learn about KAS Cambodia, scholarship to study in Germany, internship opportunity, as well as the engagement of our partnered institutions in Cambodia. You will find out more about which platform you can engage with KAS, those include KAS-Horizon(IR-Training Program), KAS-PEA (Political Education Training), KAS-FLY (KAS for Legal Youths Training Program), KAS Young Adenauer Scholars for Excellence (and Capacity-Building), Young Journalist Traineeship Program, and different Internship opportunities in and outside Cambodia. 


Why should you join?

**General Participants will get to know about these various activities through informal networking, presentation, and booth exhibitions. Our partners will have one booth each to set up their organizations’ information-sharing space. 

The exhibition booth will include the German Embassy, DAAD German Academic Exchange, Institute of International Studies and Public Policy , Politikoffee (PK), Goethe-Institut, EMA Cambodia, Royal University of Laws and Economics (French Program). 

The first 150 participants will receive a free snack and drink coupon. 


How to join? 

We encourage you to register beforehand, please click here


Important Note: 

-We do not have parking space available at KAS Office. Therefore, we encourage you to come by Grab or PassApp or other public transportation. 

-As KAS is committed to sustainability please bring a personal water bottle with you. 


Contact Person:

Ms. Dy Sereyvoleak, Research officer of KAS Cambodia,




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Auslandsbüro Kambodscha
House No. 4, Street 462 Khan Charmkar Mon, P.O. Box 944,
Phnom Penh
Zur Webseite



Sereyvoleak Dy

Dy Sereyvoleak

Programm Manager