


Rights, Representation and Reform: The Political Struggles of Persons with Disabilities in Malaysia

Country Report with a Difference: Malaysia

The report highlights the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in Malaysia’s political sphere. Despite making up 15% of the population, persons with disabilities encounter barriers such as inaccessible polling stations, a lack of braille ballots and sign language interpreters, and insufficient representation. Since 2007, only four senators with disabilities have been appointed to the 70-seat Dewan Negara. This representation (or lack thereof) remains inadequate for such a significant demographic. Although Malaysia has ratified the CRPD and enacted the Persons with Disabilities Act 2008, enforcement remains weak. The ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025 provides a framework for inclusion, but more progress is needed. As Malaysia chairs ASEAN in 2025, it must lead efforts to ensure full political inclusion for persons with disabilities. As a young and developing democracy, Malaysia has the potential to lead the region in inclusivity, demonstrating that every voice—regardless of ability—counts in building a just and equitable society.

Call for Paper: Women in ASEAN Economies

Women in ASEAN: The Impact of Women’s Inclusion in Policymaking and the Cost of Women’s Exclusion in Economies

Call for Paper - Women in ASEAN: The Impact of Women’s Inclusion in Policymaking and the Cost of Women’s Exclusion in Economies

Adobe Stock / Huy Nguyen

Der wirtschaftliche Wettlauf in Südostasien – und warum Europa zurückfällt

Wie kann Europa im Wettbewerb mit China, Japan und den USA bestehen?

Im aufstrebenden Südostasien kämpfen globale Wirtschaftsmächte um Einfluss. Während China, die USA und Japan sich in der Region strategisch neu aufgestellt haben, droht Europa den Anschluss zu verlieren. Die drei Staaten vereint, dass sie unterschiedliche Kooperationsmodelle zwischen Regierung und Wirtschaft als umfassende Strategie einsetzen, um den Markteintritt ihrer Unternehmen in Südostasien zu unterstützen. Europa sollte aus den Strategieanpassungen seiner Konkurrenten lernen und dabei politische Maßnahmen und die Interessen europäischer Unternehmen in der Region stärker zusammenführen.

De-Risking, aber wohin?

Die Schwellenländer der Emerging ASEAN als Alternative zu China

Die deutsche Wirtschaft soll sich stärker diversifizieren. Wie und wo ein solches De-Risking durchgeführt werden soll, ist jedoch offen. Auf der Suche nach geeigneten Partnern richtet sich der Blick von Politik und Wirtschaft häufig auf die aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften Südostasiens. Das dynamische Wachstum der sogenannten Emerging ASEAN (Indonesien, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippinen und Vietnam) bietet eine vermeintlich vielversprechende Alternative zum großen Nachbarn China. Doch ein Blick auf die Wirtschaftsdaten zeigt, dass das Diversifizierungspotenzial begrenzt ist.

Environment, Social and Governance for SMEs Resilience

Case Insights for a Sustainable Future

This report offers a panoramic view of the sustainability journey of various Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), from traditional enterprises to innovative digital start-ups, in Malaysia that have reimagined their operations with a sustainable lens. These case studies provide a comprehensive perspective on the integration of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) practices into different business models and their pivotal role in enhancing business resilience and competitiveness.

Inklusion in Malaysia

Eine Frage der Definition?

Obwohl die Regierung in Malaysia in den letzten Jahren verschiedene Initiativen ergriffen hat, um die Bildungssituation für Kinder mit Behinderungen zu verbessern, wird die erfolgreiche Umsetzung der Maßnahmen nach wie vor kontrovers diskutiert. Besonders der Ansatz, Kinder mit Behinderungen einfach "gemeinsam mit anderen" zu unterrichten, steht im Widerspruch zu den Forderungen der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention. Was muss sich ändern, damit Inklusion in Malaysia wirklich gelebt wird?

Challenges for Women in Political Parties in Malaysia and Acceleration Strategies to Leadership in Politics

by Ummu Atiyah Ahmad Zakuan

The findings presented in this comprehensive study illustrate that the challenges faced by women in the political parties reflect similar challenges to those faced by women in the past. The reality of women in the political parties have not changed much over time, which shed light on why the political domain appears as the biggest gender gap compared to other domains. Despite educational advancement in the country, women continue to lag behind men in politics.

Malaysia’s Public Institutional Architecture, Rural Agriculture - SMEs and Food Security (English only)

Ungku Aziz Centre for Development Studies - University of Malaya investigates the structural impediments that have hindered the growth of the agricultural sector in Malaysia.

This report addresses issues in Malaysia’s public institutional architecture pertaining to agriculture and agro-based SMEs. It investigates the inability of numerous policies to increase Malaysia’s agricultural production and food security. This project thoroughly scrutinizes the roadblocks in delivering policies effectively to farmers and livestock owners as current and past agricultural policies lack effective implementation due to structural issues.

SME Sustainability Action Guide

This guide has been designed specifically to provide guidance to SMEs looking to embed ESG into their business strategies and processes.

In the SME Sustainability Action Guide developed by UN Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei (UNGCMYB), you will find compelling reasons for SMEs to adopt sustainability as well as the direct and indirect benefits that will keep your business going and protect the planet at the same time. This guide is tailored specifically for SMEs, and is supported with real life examples of sustainability initiatives taken by some Malaysian SMEs and how they have gained from this venture.

Substantive Representation of Women in Asian Parliaments

Combining data from nearly 100 interviews with national parliamentarians from ten Asian countries, the contributors to this book analyze and evaluate the advancement of gender equality in Asia.