

“European population crisis?”

Invitation to attend a Lecture

The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute cordially invites you to attend a lecture for an International Studies course entitled “The European Union: History, Law and institutions.” The title of the lecture is: “European population crisis?”



This lecture introduces basic concepts in population analysis. It provides the information to place the low birth rates and negative population growth rates in European nations in world context, and how alien it is from the Palestinian fertility rate and age structure. Dr. Hogan will focus on the European case; why are people not having children? Why are societies shrinking? Can the problem of an aging labor force be solved with immigration? He suggests that low fertility and negative growth of populations is not a crisis at all.

RSVP by calling us on: 02-2982939, or by sending email to:

Ps. Lecture will be in English

The course is part of the Concentration in Diplomacy, part of the MA program in International Studies, offered by the IALIIS in collaboration with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


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Room number 112, Development Studies Building, Birzeit University.

Referentinnen und Referenten

  • Dr. Dennis Hogan- Professor and Chair
    • Department of Sociology and Robert E. Turner Distinguished Professor of Population Studies at Brown University

      Ilona-Margarita Stettner

      Ilona-Margarita Stettner bild
      Abu Lughod Logo KAS Ramallah 2011

