


Libya Brief

Libyan Imbroglio: Navigating the Complexities of Finance, Power Struggles, and External Interference

This policy brief offers a comprehensive analysis of the ongoing crisis in Libya, focusing on recent developments and issues emanating from the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) as a key indicator of broader national instability. It delves into critical aspects such as the fragmentation of institutional structures, the pervasive influence of armed militias, and the deep-rooted corruption that undermines governance and economic stability. By examining these factors through the lens of CBL challenges, the report underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms.

2024, the Real Annus Horribilis of the Southern Mediterranean?

Med Dialogue Series N°41

In this edition of the Mediterranean Dialogue Series, Youssef Cherif sheds light on the significant trends that are expected to impact the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the upcoming months.

Spotlight on Sudan December 2023

External Power Competition in Sudan Since the April 2023 War

In the latest Spotlight on Sudan report, Samuel Ramani examines how the armed conflict between Burhan and Hemedti is being approached by international stakeholders, including Russia, China, the US, the EU, GCC countries, Turkey, and Egypt. The report delves into the nuances of how these stakeholders are navigating the balance between the two warring factions.

Spotlight on Sudan May 2023

Sudan’s Generals' Rivalry and Its Transnational Dimensions

This brief examines the regional and transitional dimensions of the ongoing conflict, and the alliances siding with each of the rivalling Generals. It will also look into the current state of regional interventions and the prospective consequences of any foreign meddling in the conflict.

imago / xFlorianxGaertnerx

Sudans Stabilitätssuche

Hintergründe zum aktuellen Konflikt

Die Bundeswehr hat in den vergangenen Tagen über 700 aus Deutschland und Partnerländern kommende Menschen aus Sudan mit Sonderflügen evakuiert. Laut Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages soll die Bundeswehr bis zum 31. Mai Evakuierungsflüge fortsetzen und hierfür bis zu 1.600 Soldaten einsetzen können. Die Lage im Sudan bleibt angespannt und die Gefahr eines lang anhaltenden Bürgerkriegs ist trotz internationaler und regionaler Vermittlungsversuche nicht gebannt.

Spotlight on Sudan

Generals and Guns: the recent developments in Sudan

This brief explains the reasons behind the clashes between the SAF and the RSF, the drivers and camps, the demands of each camp, and importantly the possible resolution to end the conflict.

Inside Libya

April 2023

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with LIBYA DESK is delighted to continue our monthly reports on Libya for 2023.

Inside Libya

March Edition

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with LIBYA DESK™ is delighted to continue our monthly reports on Libya for 2023.

Inside Libya

February edition

The Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with LIBYA DESK™ is delighted to continue our monthly reports on Libya for 2023.

China’s Political Influence in the South Mediterranean Region

A few days after the first China- Arab League summit took place in Riyadh and President Xi Jinping met with the heads of state of the Gulf states as well as presidents from countries in the southern Mediterranean region, the latest issue of our Mediterranean Dialogue Series sheds light on which political interests China is pursuing in the region and how it is trying to implement them, e.g. by strongly influencing political parties.