

Einblicke in asiatische und europäische Angelegenheiten


Sri Lanka after the elections: Governance in a Time of Crisis

Issue of Special Report (ISAS-NUS) in cooperation with KAS PDA

Read the latest, special report on Sri Lanka after the elections: Governance in a Time of Crisis. A great and informative read for everyone interested in the country that is much embedded in geopolitical competition in the region, covering both domestic and foreign issues.

E-health Development in Asia and Europe

The integration of digital technologies into healthcare, known as e-health, has revolutionised how we manage and deliver medical services. This Panorama Issue “E-health Development in Asia and Europe” delves into this rapidly evolving field, offering a comprehensive exploration of digital healthcare initiatives across two continents.


Education for Sustainable Development

Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) provides a valuable framework and methodology to support the implementation and achievement of the SDGs, and ultimately help empower a learning society with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to take informed decisions and make responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability while respecting cultural diversity. Do read on to learn about bets practices challenges and perspective from different countries from both Asia and Europe

New Realities of Multilateralism

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

The prevailing view globally is that the challenges of the 21st century, such as increasing security threats, climate change or global health emergencies require collaborative multilateral action and solutions. Multilateral initiatives have been established as a response to these challenges, as exemplified by the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) or the Covax Vaccine Initiative to name some of the most recent ones. However, there is rising criticism of multilateral cooperation as being neither effective nor sufficient in generating sustainable solutions. In some cases, multilateral engagements have failed to prevent humanitarian crises as the world is currently witnessing in Afghanistan. In an interconnected world, it has also become increasingly difficult for regional organisations to pursue their integration goals amidst interfering intra- and extra-regional developments. Even though some experts proclaim the “death” of the multilateral system and at times countries retreat to unilateral or bilateral formats, the situation is more complex. Some multilateral institutions have come to a standstill, new ones have emerged while others have re-gained influence. 

European Strategic Approaches to the Indo-Pacific

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Der Indo-Pazifik hat in den vergangenen Jahren spürbar an Relevanz gewonnen. Seit September 2021 haben drei EU Mitgliedstaaten Frankreich, Deutschland und die Niederlande, sowie die Europäische Union selbst, Strategien beziehungsweise Leitlinien zum Indo-Pazifik vorgelegt. Diese Ausgabe von Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs beleuchtet diese Ansätze, sowie Reaktionen auf das Engagement aus der Region. Sie analysiert Fragen von kritischen regionalen Partnerschaften, dem gewünschten und wahrgenommenen Mehrwert europäischer Aufmerksamkeit, sowie Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in konkreten Arbeitsbereichen vor dem Hintergrund von anhaltender Rivalität von Großmächten.

Trust in Politics

Panorama- Insight into Asian and European Affairs

Panorama Trust in Politics

Leaders and Citizens of Democracy

Panorama- Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Leaders, individuals are not just influential but, most of all, responsible in stirring the direction of democracies. Focusing on “Leaders and Citizens of Democracy”, this edition of Panorama sheds light on the role of individuals as main actors who could contribute to either the advancement or backsliding of democracy.

Responding to the Geopolitics of Connectivity

Asian and European Perspectives

In these times of rapid changes and increasing ambiguity, more connectivity between Asia and Europe has become imperative. In order to understand the various connectivity strategies as well as to see how more synergies can be built, in this issue of Panorama we present an analysis of the various connectivity approaches.


Trade and Economic Connectivity in the Age of Uncertainty

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

With the global economy and trade system undergoing massive shifts,the need for global economic and trade cooperation has never been greater. With Asia and Europe representing 55% of global trade, it has become imperative for the both continents to strengthen their ties and uphold multilateralism and the rules-based free trade system.

Digital Asia

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Happy Birthday, Internet! 2019 feiern wir das 30-jährige Bestehen des Internets. Von einemProjekt des Pentagons zum globalen Netzwerk, das Milliarden von Menschen und Geräten verbindet, ist der Erfolg des Internets stark mit den USA verknüpft. US-Unternehmen haben die Computer, Telefone und sozialen Netzwerke entwickelt, mittels derer wir kommunizieren ebenso wie die Router und Server, die die weltweiten Datenströme leiten. Die Zukunft des Internet wird jedoch von Asien mitbestimmt. Schon heute haben China und Indien die höchste Anzahl von Internetnutzern weltweit. "The Next Billion Users" werden hauptsächlich aus Asien kommen. Gleichzeitig steigen asiatische Unternehmen in die Riege der Top-Technologieunternehmen auf. Wir haben diese Ausgabe von Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs digitalen Entwicklungen in Asien gewidmet. Wo kommt Europa ins Spiel? Lesen Sie weiter!

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Über diese Reihe

"Panorama – Einblicke in asiatische und europäische Angelegenheiten" ist eine Reihe von Gelegenheitsbeiträgen, die vom Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Asien/Singapur der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung herausgegeben wird. Die einzelnen Beiträge befassen sich mit unterschiedlichen Themen zu Europa und Asien.