

Wir trauern um unseren Ehrenvorsitzenden Prof. Dr. Bernhard Vogel

Der ehemalige Ministerpräsident von Rheinland-Pfalz und Thüringen starb im Alter von 92 Jahren.

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North Africa’s Power Shift

The study highlights current developments, challenges, and opportunities regarding the development of renewable energy in North Africa, at a national level and through regional coop...

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Trade Winds and Tides

Trade Winds and Tides

A new study by the Lebanese Citizen Foundation and KAS-REMENA explores strategies to enhance food security and trade resilience in the Arab Med amid escalating climate challenges.

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Dialogue Program

Reshaping Mediterranean Energy Cooperation

From Oct 13-18, we organized the "Reshaping Mediterranean Energy Cooperation" program, where Med energy experts shared recommendations with key stakeholders in Berlin and Brussels.

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3rd Meeting of the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle

The Mediterranean energy landscape amid global and regional geopolitical dynamics

KAS-REMENA and PCNS co-hosted the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle from Sept 18-20, 2024, in Villa La Collina in Italy to discuss geopolitical dynamics and energy cooperation.

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Scenarios on Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris 2040

Addressing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus through Cooperation among Riparian States

Our new report from our Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin workshop offers scenarios and policy recommendations for water management and regional cooperation up to 2040.

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Willkommen beim Regionalprogramm Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel Naher Osten und Nordafrika (KAS - REMENA). Das Regionalprogramm fördert den Dialog und die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Ländern der MENA-Region sowie mit Europa zu Ressourcen- und Klimafragen, um Lösungsansätze für länder- und regionenübergreifende Herausforderungen zu entwickeln.

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