


PMQA 4.0 Toolkit

Under the Cooperation Project "Public Sector Management with Public Participation in Open Government in Thailand"

This eBook contains the best practices and guidelines for the further development of Thai public sector to better respond to citizens' needs with open and innovative principles.

Models and Directions for Governor Elections in a Transitional Era – 2nd Edition

This publication explores five alternative models for governor elections and presents key feedback gathered from public discussions on the first edition. The findings are based on research led by PLAF in 2023 and 2024 in 4 provinces.

Isra News Articles July-December 2024

Read Thai investigative reporting by Isra News Agency published between July and December 2024

Revisiting Isra News coverage between July and December 2024 on good governance, the rule of law, public policy, and environmental issues. All articles are in Thai, with English translations available for some articles.

Referendum 2024 and the Way to Constitutional Amendment

Seminar proceeding on key insights, debates, and challenges surrounding different proposals to amend the Referendum Act and its possible impacts

The public seminar on 14 June 2024, "Referendum 2024 and the Way to Constitutional Amendment," culminates in this proceeding. This bilingual publication summarizes expert insights from the keynote speaker and panelists on the debates surrounding the proposals to amend the Referendum Act, and how this amendment could influence the constitutional amendment efforts. The paper also provides an executive summary and a synthesis of policy recommendations that emerged during the event. The seminar was co-organized by the Institute of Democratization Studies and King Prajadhipok's Institute, and received support from KAS Thailand.

Isra News Articles March-June 2024

Read Thai investigative reporting by Isra News Agency published between March and June 2024.

With the support of KAS Thailand, Isra News Agency brought to you the latest development in Thailand's good governance, rule of law, public policies, and environmental issues between March and June 2024. All articles are in Thai with an English version of one article available.

i.Law TH

Thailands Streben nach Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit

Versuche und Rückschläge seit der Regierungsbildung im Jahr 2023

Nach einem Jahrzehnt unter einer Militärjunta (2014-2019) und einer vom Militär dominierten Regierung (2019-2023) fanden in Thailand im Mai 2023 Parlamentswahlen statt. Die Wahlen deuteten eine klare Ablehnung von pro-militärischen und konservativen Gruppierungen an. Die Pheu-Thai-Partei (PTP), die bei den Wahlen den zweiten Platz belegte, bildete eine Regierungskoalition mit elf anderen Parteien. Darunter sind konservative und militärisch ausgerichtete Fraktionen wie die United Thai Nation (UTN) unter der Führung des ehemaligen Premierministers Prayuth Chan-ocha. General Prayuth war der Drahtzieher des Militärputsches 2014, durch den die damalige PTP-Regierung gestürzt wurde. In der Zwischenzeit bleibt der Wahlsieger von 2023, die progressive und reformorientierte Move-Forward-Partei (MFP), die landesweit 14 Millionen von rund 39 Millionen Stimmen erzielte, mit 151 Abgeordneten in der Opposition und stellt damit die größte Fraktion in der Nationalversammlung. Premierminister Srettha Thavisin und seine Minister haben wiederholt betont, dass Thailand demokratischen Grundsätzen verpflichtet ist. Jedoch stufte Freedom House im März 2024 Thailand in seinem Jahresbericht zu politischen und bürgerlichen Rechten mit 36 von 100 Punkten nur als "teilweise frei" ein.1Dieser Länderbericht stellt die Herausforderungen dar, denen sich Thailand seit der Regierungsbildung 2023 in seinem Streben nach Demokratie, Menschenrechten und Rechtsstaatlichkeit gegenübersieht, sowie die Bemühungen, diese Hürden zu bewältigen.

Citizen's Manual to Electronic Administrative Court Procedures

Innovation in Rule of Law

The Office of the Administrative Courts of Thailand, with support from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Thailand Office, has created a "Citizen's Manual to Electronic Administrative Court Procedures." (in Thai). This guide helps both citizens and relevant government agencies understand and fully utilize the e-Admincourt system.

Model and Directions for Electing Governors that are Appropriate for Transitional Era in Thailand

The publication seeks to impart knowledge for the advancement of decentralization, local governance, and the potential implementation of governor election in Thailand. The data was gathered from findings of action research conducted by the Promotion of Local Administration Foundation (PLAF) with the support of KAS.

Dialogprogramme mit deutschen Abgeordneten zur EU & ASEAN als strategische Partner für Wachstum & Wohlstand

Bericht über die Besuche in Bangkok, Thailand

Lesen Sie hier die vollständigen Berichte über die Besuche der Bundestagsabgeordneten Herr Dr. Stefan Heck, Herr Johannes Steiniger und Herr Gunther Krichbaum.

Challenges of Social Protection Policy Implementation

Findings and Policy Recommendations on Social Protection for the Vulnerable Population in Northeastern Thailand

Socio-economic growth in the inclusive and sustainable manner has been one of the focal points in the framework objectives of Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). According to Germany’s Social Market Economy Principle, the development of society and economics of one country needs to encompass with equality, fair competition, and opportunity for everyone to prosper. Especially for the vulnerable population, the government must not leave them behind and should regularly improve the related policies, measures, and services to protect, empower, and include them in the country’s development.