In this three-day seminar, centre heads and responsible project staffs from all 7 centres reported their preparedness for project implementation in this year. From the first three-month preparation, they discussed the progress in the aspects of contents, action plan, target groups’ details, and budget breakdowns for each phase of activities. The PDA planned that each centre shall organise three activities throughout the year. The main target groups in the activities will consist of three new occupational groups from the communities as well as the existing groups that have joined the project since the beginning and the local administrative offices in the areas. At the last phase of the year, the target participants will have a chance to meet in order to exchange experiences and ideas with each other. As well, the PDA will take that opportunity to review their understanding in the Social Market Economy’s concept and then evaluate the project for the planning of the next steps.
Also in this seminar, there was a SWOT Analysis session that encouraged the attending staffs to brainstorm and find out more effective ways for project achievement. As well, in the last part of the seminar, there was a “Training for Trainers” workshop session that lectured the staffs for more understanding in the project objectives and the possible practical methods for Thai local communities. One of the interesting contents of the workshop was a technological and innovative skill which was deemed as a very important tool in actualising the Social Market Economy’s ideas. Right after this event, each centre will digest and adjust the knowledge gained into implementation, starting right at the first phase of this year’s activities in April to June.