

Election Review Roundtable Series 2021

The Form and Substance of the 2021 Elections in Uganda

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Uganda recently partnered with the Julius Nyerere Leadership Centre (Makerere University) to convene the Post-Election discussion series; an academic and practical initiative, designed to answer specific questions relating to both the substance and process of Election 2021. The analysis is expected to draw lessons that have implications for future interventions in electoral democracy and governance reforms in Uganda. The discussion series will be based on commissioned academic papers that are well researched and analyzed in order to give the core group an opportunity to make realistic recommendations that can contribute to and inform political debate in Uganda.


Thematic Areas on the “Form and Substance of the 2021 Elections in Uganda”


1. Civil Society and Elections

Civil Society and the electoral process: What capacity do CSOs have to provide checks and balances across all arms of government?

2. Political Parties: a shadow of their former selves?

Political parties, ideology, recruitment, organization at all levels: Out of touch and too constrained by archaic internal organizing for effective and active participation in the entire electoral cycle?

The real impact of COVID19: disrupted mandates, internal party conflicts, mixed messages and weakened political structures or simply an excuse? 

3. Youth engagement, disengagement and sweeping political change

Switching allegiances and tipping the political scale: The role of an angry and politically disenfranchised youth?

Uganda’s youth bulge: Unpredictable political nightmare, or democratic dividend?

4. Managing elections: processes, rules and practices

Changes at the EC for 2021 elections: What changed and what didn’t change at the EC and implications for future elections

5. Understanding voter behavior

Understanding voter behavior: changes in voter turnout, changes in party allegiance and swing votes

6. Role of Media and Social Media in Electoral Processes

Political agency, government responsiveness and the role of the media in the 2021 campaigns and Elections;

New media and politics: An assessment of its role in Election 2021;

7. The Monetization of Elections

Managing expectations or Feeding Neo-Patrimonialism: the role of money in elections

8. Election 2021 and the instrumentalization of Covid-19?

Who do you trust? The COVID-19 infodemic and the destruction of a shared situational awareness

9. Security and Military roles in Elections

Security forces, electoral conduct and Demilitarizing politics: the role of electoral administration



Anna Reismann

Anna Reismann Final

Landesvertreterin, Uganda & Südsudan


