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Country Reports

A Breakthrough at Long Last? On the Revival of the Israeli–Palestinian Joint Water Committee

by Marc Frings, Johannes Lutz

International Reports, Issue 3 | 2017

In the latest issue of the KAS Journal "International Reports", Marc Frings and Johannes Lutz take a closer look at the recent resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee

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Some 30 years ago, Boutros Boutros-Ghali – who went on to become UN Secretary General – predicted that the wars of the future would be fought over water. His prediction has not yet come true, but when we look at the various regions of the world, it is clear water is becoming an increasingly scarce resource that is indeed at the centre of many conflicts – or is at least exacerbating them significantly.

This is particularly true of the Middle East, one of the world’s most arid and unstable regions. The situation in the Gaza Strip is certainly dramatic, but unresolved water issues are also causing conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, as Marc Frings and Johannes Lutz discuss in their contribution to the latest issue of the International Reports. The recent resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee is a sign that both parties are prepared to take

pragmatic action. Nevertheless, there is a risk of further destabilization of the region if no mutually acceptable solution can be found to the water issue.

The whole issue and further information about the International Reports can be found at: /en/web/auslandsinformationen/ausgaben/issues/-/content/wasser.-macht.-konflikt.1

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Marc Frings


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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Palestinian Territories Palestinian Territories

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