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Progress or Stagnation?

The successes and failures of the German-Chinese Rule of Law Dialogue

In the context of a lecture series, the KAS|Beijing organizes a discussion round addressing the German-Chinese Rule of Law Dialogue which is primarily aimed at enforcing market economic growth and legal security.

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The rule of law provides the necessary framework for the co-existence of people and presents a guarantor for societal harmony. In this context, and to promote the German legal framework in particular, the German-Chinese Rule of Law Dialogue (RLD) was created in 2000. Since then, both countries have exchanged views on various aspects of the state of law, involving the respective ministers of justice from each side. The RLD aims at accompanying the era of reforms in China by deepening the understanding of each other’s culture and traditions, and at jointly implementing a way of thinking and acting that is guided by principles of law.

In this interdisciplinary discussion round, the KAS|Beijing addresses to what extent the German-Chinese Rule of Law Dialogue can be considered politically, economically, and socially fruitful, and prospectively sustainable. To what extent is the German-Chinese legal cooperation interwoven with external interests of the involved actors? In which way can the RLD be described as a success? Is it even possible to overcome language barriers and different conceptions of the legal system?

This talk is part of the lecture series of KAS|Beijing in which young talented German researchers, Chinese and international experts, academics and representatives of think-tanks discuss current issues in the areas of law, economics, and cultural policies in the context of 40 years of diplomatic relations between Germany and China.

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  • Mao Xiaofei
    • Law Research Center for International Law
      • Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (TBC)


        Fortschritt oder Stagnation?: Über Erfolg und Misserfolg des deutsch-chinesischen Rechtsstaatsdialogs
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        Thomas Awe

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