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Report: Investigative Media in Romania

by Karin Finkenzeller, Research Fellow of the KAS Media Programme in Romania, 2022

Finding a newsstand in Romania in the year 2022 can take quite some time. And if you decide to walk, the recommended 10,000 steps per day are easy to come by. There are only a few newsstands left. The variety of choice there may seem very large at first glance. But the daily newspapers frequently have fewer than ten pages, while those that appear weekly have a few more. Both focus on local events and consumer topics. A daily newspaper costs the equivalent of about 40 cents, while a weekly paper costs less than 2 euros. The content is correspondingly light. More pages immediately suggest politically motivated supporters.

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Karin Finkenzeller is a freelance business journalist and works mainly for WirtschaftsWoche and Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. As part of her research fellowship of the KAS Media Programme South East Europe, she conducted research on the topic of independent media in Romania. The full report is available only in German.

The responsibility for the information and classifications reflected in the text lies solely with the author. Their interpretation does not necessarily reflect the views or principles of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

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