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Results of the opinion poll on Greek-Albanian relations

by Eleftherios Petropoulos
A very interesting and up-to-date study on Greek-Albanian relations was presented on Monday, 17 June, by ELIAMEP - South East Europe Programme in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation - Office for Greece and Cyprus and the Department of Public Opinion and Market Research of the Research Institute of the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki).

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The survey was conducted between 15 and 21 April 2024 on a sample of 1165 people aged 17 years and older under the scientific direction of Dr Ioannis Armakolas, Associate Professor at the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki) and Head of the ELIAMEP Programme for South East Europe, and George Siakas, Assistant Professor at Democritus University of Thrace and Research Director of the Department of Public Opinion and Market Research at the University of Macedonia.


According to the results, Greek-Albanian relations are at their best on a social level. The majority of respondents have a favourable opinion of Albanian immigrants in Greece and their contribution to the country's economic development, and the vast majority of them believe that their children are fully integrated. At the level of bilateral relations, the picture is more complex: the survey reflects the strongly negative attitude and concern of the Greek public regarding the Beleri issue and the rights of the Greek minority in Albania.


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Eleftherios Petropoulos

Eleftherios Petropoulos bild

Senior Research Associate – Project Manager +30 210 7247 126


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