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Liber Amicorum: Making Europe Happen

by Klaus Welle

The politics and impact of Klaus Welle ― Essays on his 60th birthday

Klaus Welle was Secretary-General of the European Parliament from March 2009 to December 2022. In this set of essays in Klaus’s honour, published to mark his 60th birthday, friends and former colleagues in the EU institutions write about the impact he made on the Brussels scene, and notably on the development of the European Parliament, during his tenure at the administrative helm of the Union’s only directly-elected institution.

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In 2009, shortly after Klaus was appointed as Secretary-General, a member
of his close entourage confided in me that the new boss was spending a lot of
time reading ‘books about U.S. politics’. There are Secretaries-General and Directors-
General and other high administrative office holders who do a perfectly
good job of managing their administrations, putting out fires when necessary,
but otherwise maintaining institutional rhythm and business as usual. Not Klaus.
There has always had to be a higher ethic and a higher logic, and the dynamics
that flow from those. The higher ethic was and is, fundamentally, the European
integration process. But for Klaus, that cannot be an undirected evolutionary affair at the whim of events. It is a moral good and, as such, must be cherished
and maintained on course, primarily by the European institutions, for, following in best Jean Monnet tradition, Klaus has always been aware that nothing will last without them.

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Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy


Director KAS European Office +32 2 66931-51 +32 2 66931-62


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