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South African General Elections 2014

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On the following page the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's (KAS) office in Johannesburg compiled its own reports and analysis as well as further information on the 2014 South African General Elections, which took place on 7 May.

On the occasion of the fifth free and democratic elections since the end of apartheid, 31.4 million South Africans were entitled to vote for a new national parliament as well as nine provincial legislatures. The South African Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) counted 25.4 million registered voters, who accounted for 80% of South Africans entitled to vote. Eventually, 18.7 million (almost 60% of the voting age population) made use of their right to vote. For the first time, even South African expats abroad were allowed to register for voting at the country’s foreign missions.

On election day the KAS office in Johannesburg sent its own observer mission to a couple of voting stations in and around Johannesburg. You will find all relevant information of KAS and further reading to the General Election from 7 May 2014 on this page.

KAS Reports on 20 Years of Democracy and the 2014 South African General Elections (German)

Parlamentswahl in Südafrika. ANC siegt deutlich, aber mit Stimmverlusten

ANC vor erneutem Wahlsieg

Interview: "Südafrika ist zurzeit politisch sehr aktiv"

FAQ – Allgemeine Wahlen 2014 in Südafrika


Das Wahlprogramm des African National Congress (ANC)

Das Wahlprogramm des Congress of the People (COPE)

Das Wahlprogramm der Democratic Alliance (DA)

Das Wahlprogramm der Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

Das Wahlprogramm der Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)

Research done by KAS partner Democracy Development Programme (DDP) on the 2014 General Elections

DDP Election Observation Report

DDP Report on political dialogues

DDP Radio Reports on the 2014 General Elections

Media reporting:

Opposition parties form coalition in bid to oust ANC (Mail & Guardian, 17/12/2013)

Expats can now vote in SA elections abroad (Mail & Guardian, 07/01/2014)

Zuma: The ANC will rule till Jesus comes back (Mail & Guardian, 08/01/2014)

EFF to court Numsa over united workers’ front (BDlive, 10/01/2014)

ANC's support down to 53% among eligible voters - Ipsos (Politicsweb, 11/01/2014)

Zuma launches new ANC manifesto (Mail & Guardian, 11/01/2014)

Elections 2014: Will it be ANC vs EFF? (City Press, 12/01/2014)

ANC takes a step back to appease labour allies (BDlive, 13/01/2014)

Party’s election manifesto highlights (Daily News, 13/01/2014)

The Big Read: ANC is incapable of giving itself the makeover it needs (The Times, 14/01/2014)

Zuma will cost ANC dearly (Cape Times, 15/01/2014)

Agang denies allegations of internal crisis (BDlive, 16/01/2014)

Independent Democrats to cease to exist this year (BDlive, 16/01/2014)

Struggle will not be forgotten come the election (BDlive, 22/01/2014)

Wither Ramphele's dream (The Times, 22/01/2014)

Hani resignation raises doubts about Agang SA (BDlive, 23/01/2014)

Zuma learns that friendship is fleeting (The Times, 23/01/2014)

DA keeps secret spot open for Agang’s Ramphele (BDlive, 27/01/2014)

ANC graft dilemma (The Citizen, 28/01/2014)

Mamphela Ramphele joins DA as presidential candidate (BDlive, 28/01/2014)

Agang will be integrated into the DA, says Zille (Mail & Guardian, 28/01/2014)

Ramphele changes the face of SA’s elections (BDlive, 29/01/2014)

Agang anger over Ramphele ‘betrayal’ (The Star, The Mercury, Sapa, 29/01/2014)

Malema’s future in doubt as SARS wins order (BDlive, 11/02/2014)

Vanessa Hani joins COPE after leaving Agang (BDlive, 11/02/2014)

Outcome of final registration weekend (Independent Electoral Commission, 11/02/2014)

Bricks fly as ANC, police clash during DA protest (Mail and Guardian, 12/02/2014)

'ANC fears NFP' (SABC, 16/02/2014)

Modest Zille puts ANC share of votes at 60% (BDlive, 17/02/2014)

DA battles an old stereotype (BDlive, 17/02/2014)

Prosperity is within our grasp (iolnews, 17/02/2014)

Traditional leaders an important base for ANC (BDlive, 18/02/2014)

Zuma comes in for stick from opposition on protests quote (BDlive, 19/02/2014)

Zuma promises 'socioeconomic' changes after election (Mail and Guardian, 20/02/2014)

‘Bring it on’ says Shilowa to Lekota (The Cizizen, 25/02/2014)

EFF frenzy a case of media hype over substance (BDlive, 05/03/2014)

Malema tackles IEC over poll fees (Pretoria News, 05/03/2014)

Decline of a weakened ANC is not inevitable (BDlive, 07/03/2014)

Leaks, lovers and in-laws: The ANC gets personal with its MPs (Mail & Guardian, 07/03/2014)

Tembisa: Mirror of a nation's bias (Mail & Guardian, 07/03/2014)

ANC no longer the party of change (Mail & Guardian, 07/03/2014)

Agang SA launches ‘citizens’ manifesto’ (BDlive, 09/03/2014)

Manifestos: Power must be devolved to citizens (Mail & Guardian, 09/03/2014)

COPE election manifesto calls for ‘inclusive approach’ (BDlive, 09/03/2014)

POLITICAL WEEK AHEAD: Wednesday deadline for candidate lists to IEC (BDlive, 10/03/2014)

Zuma packs electoral list with loyalists (BDlive, 12/03/2014)

‘Reluctant politician’, stalwart minister bow out (BDlive, 12/03/2014)

Agang's long-term plan to build a winning country (Mail & Guardian, 14/03/2014)

Secret party funding fuels electorate’s suspicion (BDlive, 18/03/2014)

Yet again ANC has splinters under its nails (BDlive, 19/03/2014)

Story of the past 20 years is the story of all of us (BDlive, 19/03/2014)

'Beware of backlash over Nkandla’ (The Star, 24/03/2014)

SABC chair openly shows her political colours (The Citizen, 24/03/2014)

ANC woes will benefit us – NFP (The Citizen, 24/03/2014)

Mbeki says Nkandla findings ‘worrying’ (The Citizen, 26/03/2014)

Opposition parties say IEC chief must resign within seven days (BDlive, 02/04/2014)

Give us enough votes to change Constitution – Zuma (The Citizen, 10/04/2014)

UDM’s Holomisa makes most of Amcu’s rise (BDlive, 17/04/2014)

Million born-frees won’t vote on May 7 (Cape Times, 22/04/2014)

Nkandla probe stalls with ANC bid to kick it into the next parliament (BDlive, 29/04/2014)

Expats to start voting (Cape Times, 29/04/2014)

Holomisa looking to double UDM seats (BDlive, 29/04/2014)

IEC’s head might roll soon (The Citizen, 30/04/2014)

Promises, threats and posturing in poll climax (BDlive, 05/05/2014)

POLITICAL WEEK AHEAD: South Africans get their moment to decide (BDlive, 05/05/14)

What will be wages of sins of incumbency? (BDlive, 05/05/14)

Identity politics still likely to dominate poll (The Citizen, 05/05/14)

Zuma discloses shocker (The Citizen, 06/05/14)

Practical, fun apps to help you v

ote (The Citizen, 06/05/14)

Why do you deserve my vote? (BDlive, 02/05/14)

Voter turnout win for South Africa (BDlive, 08/05/14)

Diplomats restricted from observing elections (BDlive, 08/05/14)

Murder at the polling station (Daily News, 08/05/2014)

Dumped ballot papers in Lynnwood to be investigated (Mail & Guardian, 08/05/2014)

Election 2014 losses could signal death knell for smaller parties (BDlive, 09/05/2014)

Economy ‘back on centre stage’ (BDlive, 09/05/2014)

ANC vows to quickly restore investor confidence (BDlive, 12/05/2014)

Mazibuko exit may see Zille back in Parliament (BDlive, 12/05/2014)

ANC has work to do in metros for 2016 local polls (BDlive, 12/05/2014)

Elections 2014 ‘was efficient’ (The Citizen, 13/05/2014)

Differences among ruling party’s allies re-emerge after big victory (BDlive, 13/05/2014)

Mazibuko shunned DA ‘death match’ (BDlive, 13/05/2014)

Zille absence diminishes Parliament, says Leon (BDlive, 14/05/2014)

ANC does not need EFF as partner (The Citizen, 14/05/2014)

Long memories of apartheid help to forget ANC sins (BDlive, 15/05/2014)

Numsa ‘not turning back’ on new party (BDlive, 15/05/2014)

Move over Maimane, Gana's here (Mail & Guardian, 16/05/2014)

Is the EFF the calm before a real leftist storm? (Mail & Guardian, 16/05/2014)

Agang to implode (Times Live, 19/05/2014)

Election fears guide ANC pick of premiers (Times Live, 21/05/2014)

ANC elects woman to lead council of provinces (BDlive, 23/05/2014)

NEWS ANALYSIS: Will Economic Freedom Fighters MPs stand up to enemy fire (BDlive, 23/05/2014)

Poor believe grants tied to party not state (BDlive, 23/05/2014)

Executive decision: Zuma's new cabinet (Mail & Guardian, 25/05/2014)

Zuma reshuffles economics cluster, to mixed reaction (Mail & Guaradian, 26/05/2014)

Opposition worries about bloated Cabinet (BDlive, 26/05/2014)

Tough months ahead for SA’s phalanx of rookie MPs (BDlive, 28/05/2014)

Zuma appoints Ramaphosa to planning role (BDlive, 03/06/2014)

NFP head ‘co-opted by ANC to defeat IFP’ (BDlive, 06/06/2014)

Agang SA leader Mamphela Ramphele leaves party politics (BDlive, 08/07/2014)

Links to the Election Manifestos of the South African political parties:

Parties represented in the 25th national parliament since 2009.

African National Congress (ANC)

The ruling ANC forms the so called Tripartite Alliance in government with the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)

Election Manifesto 2014

Election Manifesto 2014 (short version)

Democratic Alliance (DA)

Election Manifesto 2014

Lists of candidates of the DA (Democratic Alliance, 25.01.2014)

DA provincial premiers candidates:

Western Cape: Helen Zille

Gauteng: Mmusi Maimane

Northern Cape: Andrew Louw

Free State: Patricia Kopane

North West: Chris Hattingh

KwaZulu-Natal: Sizwe Mchunu

Eastern Cape: Athol Trollip

Limpopo: Langa Bodlani

Mpumalanga: Anthony Benadie

Congress of the People (COPE)

Election Manifesto 2014

Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP)

Election Manifesto 2014

United Democratic Movement (UDM)

UDM Election Manifesto

African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP)

ACDF Election Manifesto 2014

United Christian Democratic Party (UCDP)

UCDF Election Manifesto 2014

Freedom Front Plus (FF+)

FF+ Election Manifesto 2014

Minority Front (MF)

MF Election Manifesto 2014

Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC)

PAC Election Manifesto 2014

Azanian People's Organisation (AZAPO)

AZAPO Election Manifesto 2014

African People's Convention (APC)

APC Election Manifesto 2014

Party newcomers

Agang SA

Agang Election Manifesto 2014

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)

EFF Election Manifesto 2014

Links to further information:

Preliminary report on the SADCLA Elections Observation Mission in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal (08/05/2014)

Preliminary statement of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Electoral Observation Mission to the Republic of South Africa (09/05/2014)

Preliminary statement of the African Union Election Observer Mission (13/05/2014)

news24 reports and data on the 2014 General Elections

Website of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) of South Africa

IEC advert call for participation in the 2014 General Elections

People's National Assembly

The South African Parliamentary Institute (PISA)

Results of the 2014 General Elections in South Africa


Results of the 2009 General Elections in South Africa


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Henning Suhr

Henning Suhr bild

Head of the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-1013
+27 (11)214 2900-201