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Oikonomos: Journal of Social Market Economy

by Dr. Wolfgang Sender


In September 2017 the 7th issue of 'OIKONOMOS: Journal' came out. The Journal of Social Market Economy is supported by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Belarus.

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The seventh issue of “OIKONOMOS: Journal of Social Market Economy” includes the following articles:

  • Christian Social and Economic Thought

    Michael Naughton. The corporation as a community of work: understanding the firm within the Catholic Social Tradition

  • Social and Economic Ideas of Christian Public Figures and Scientists

    Alexander Dubyanskiy. Social ideas and activities of Thomas More

  • The Structure of the Modern Economy and Problems of the Formation of the Social Market Economy

    Galina Turban. Development of international service trade as a factor of economic growth of countries

  • Economic Aspects of Development of the Republic of Belarus

    Irina Shaniukevich, Viktor Shaniukevich. Development of housing leasing in the Republic of Belarus

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

    Konstantin Belousov. Institutionalization of social business responsibility in social market economy

  • Economic Development in the Post-Soviet Space

    Svetlana Pavlovskaya. Some approaches to the study of trade integration within the Eurasian Economic Union

“OIKONOMOS: Journal of Social Market Economy” is a scientific peer-reviewed journal which publishes research in economics and related disciplines.

The focus areas of the journal are:

  • the history and theory of the concept of ordoliberalism and the social market economy,
  • the Christian social and economic thought,
  • the modern economic development of countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union,
  • the theory and practice of corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship.
The journal was founded in 2014 by the European Research Association “Oikonomos”, is published twice a year in English and/or Russian.

Online version of the seventh issue is available for free download on the website of the journal.

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Dr. Wolfgang Sender


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