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XXII Forum Brazil-Europe

Brazil and the European Union — Partners in World Politics

With the dual aims of promoting dialogue between Brazil and the European Union and intensifying the bilateral relationship, the XXII Forum Brazil-Europe is set to take place in Brasília on March 17, 2015.

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“We reaffirmed our shared commitment to the values and principles of democracy and the rule of law, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms (…) and the promotion of international peace and security, on which the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership is based.”

(Joint Statement, 7th EU-Brazil Summit)

At the 7th EU-Brazil Summit, which took place in February 2014, the leaders of Brazil and the European Union affirmed their shared normative underpinnings and proclaimed their intention to cooperate closely on the global stage.

Accordingly, many aspects of the Euro-Brazilian partnership are set to take place on what is often referred to as the space of the global. Following a number of political scientists, globalization has resulted in the creation and consolidation of a global space. Characterized by intensified interdependence and interaction and by the lapse of national borders, the space of the global has progressively become salient in structuring the local. It is thus in this global space where states share and negotiate collective rules and norms and cooperate in finding common solutions to global problems such as climate change and the struggle against global inequality. In sum, the space of the global is the home of world politics.

To discuss this topic, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will host together with the Brazilian Parliamentary Group for EU-Brazil Relations, the Delegation of the European Union to Brazil, the University of Brasília and with support of the two Brazilian think tanks InfoRel and EUBrasil the XXII Forum Brazil-Europe on March 17, 2015. Under the banner “Brazil and the European Union – Partners in World Politics” a number of politics, scientists and representatives of international organizations will discuss a wide range of subjects of mutual interest. The debates will be held in English and Portuguese, but simultaneous translation will be provided.

By organizing the annual discussion forum the Konrad Adenauer Foundation acts as a mediator and promoter of intensified relations between Europe and Brazil. The specific intent of this year’s Forum is to debate on the Euro-Brazilian Relations performed in a global space. With this in mind we will discuss how both international actors maintain their relations, stick to shared norms and pursue common strategies to shape world politics. Furthermore we will deal with the local impacts of globalism and discuss how economic and environmental systems on a local scale are influenced by global politics. Finally we will discuss an example of Global Space and consider the prospects and limits of the Internet for the European Union and Brazil.

Please click here to see the programme (PDF)

The participation is free of charge and certificates of participation will be awarded. To register for the event, please send an email including your full name, institution and position to

Subject: << registration XXII Forum Brazil - Europe >>

Please be aware that the number of participants is limited. Your registration will be valid only after you will have received a confirmation email.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Forum!

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XXII Forum Brazil – Europe: Forum attracts more than 350 participants
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Gregory Ryan

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Delegação da União Europeia no Brasil – Delegation der Europäischen Union in Brasilien (EU)
Universidade de Brasília - UnB
Grupo Parlamentar Brasil-União Europeia
Inforel v_2
Congresso Nacional do Brasil v_2