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Latin American Survey about Management


The scale of threats to the biosphere and to all forms of life, including humans, are so grand that it is difficult to comprehend them in many cases. COVID-19 showed us that we are not prepared to face global problems, including those associated with climate, which we have already begun to suffer and will continue to face.

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Mortality due to extreme weather is of great concern to cities since studies show a direct relationship between high temperatures and excess mortality. Air quality and the various environmental problems (climate change and loss of species and ecosystems) show tangible evidence of imminent dangerous scenarios.

This study shows an analysis, under the “One Health” approach, and presents the results of a survey carried out on the subject by specialists from ten Latin American countries with the largest population: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, and Peru, to contribute to the identification of comprehensive actions in the region that drive the creation of transformations leading to a resilient, sustainable, and socially responsible economy.

This report also aims to obtain an overview of the perception that exists in Latin America on the subject. This study seeks to find a niche of opportunity among Latin American countries to design a political agenda aligned with the magnitude of both environmental problems and the needed solutions.

* The publication is available in Spanish and English.

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