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Mining on Indigenous Lands in Latin America: Development and the Environment

This work, carried out in conjunction with our partner CEDIN (Center for International Law), arises from the imperative need to thoroughly discuss mining in the indigenous lands of Latin America, taking into account, at the same time, the guarantee of indigenous rights and the much desired sustainable development. This is a sensitive and relevant debate not only on a regional level, but also on a global scale!

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Mining is an activity of great importance for the social and economic development of any country. In Latin America, due to the existence of prosperous mineral reserves and projects that will be essential in the supply of raw materials to the most diverse world industries, the debate becomes even more strategic.

The indigenous community has internationally recognized rights, including the rights to autonomy, identity, traditions and culture, as well as collective and individual rights to the ownership, control and use of the lands and territories that they traditionally occupy, such as It is stated in the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We dedicate this work to the legal analysis of the issue of mining on indigenous lands in Latin America, as well as the impact of this practice on the routine of communities and the environmental consequences.

* Publication available in Spanish.

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Anuska Soares

Coordinadora de Proyectos


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Asset Publisher