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2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development in the Latin American Context

This work is part of a wide and very successful cooperation project with the Center of International Law - CEDIN, and brings together essays of different methodological and epistemological nuances, of theoretical inspirations and plural practices that have as a common thread the decline of the notion of development sustainable in the Latin American context. The background is the 2030 Agenda, an instrument of global acceptance that has enshrined sustainable development as a paradigm to face the main contemporary challenges of humanity.

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The 17 goals and 169 targets established in the 2030 Agenda present interrelated social, economic and environmental issues that require integrated strategies and, at the same time, diversified in their approach. It is an ambitious plan that depends, for its achievement, on a transversal articulation in terms of its scope, both geographical (international, regional and local) and the actors involved (international organizations, governments, private sector, academia and civil society. as a whole).


Therefore, the organization of this work reflects the characteristics of the object to be investigated. The contributions are multidisciplinary, with legal, economic, social, political and biological foundations. The authors are distinguished by their training, but also by their origin and their institutional background, which allows the dialogical connection of various experiences, from Argentina to Mexico, from universities to the United Nations.

* Publication available in Spanish.

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Anuska Soares

Coordinadora de Proyectos


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