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Event Reports

11th KAS/ZHDZ Congress of Values

by Marko Prusina

"Christian Democratic Values in Politics and Society"

Together with the Croatian Statehood Foundation (ZHDZ) and the Catholic University of Croatia, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation organised their traditional annual Congress on Values "Christian Democratic Values in Politics and Society" in Zagreb on December 6th, 2023. In the presence of the Minister of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Marin Piletić, MEP Milan Zver, PhD (SDS/EPP), the former KAS Country Director, Wilhelm Hofmeister, the HDZ general secretary, Krunoslav Katičić as well as the Rector of the Catholic University of Croatia, Prof. Željko Tanjić, PhD, we discussed the values in politics and society in Croatia, the challenges and future of Europe as well as about the meaning of a war in the 21st century for Christian-democratic values and the functioning of politics. In addition to the Congress, certificates were handed over to the graduates of the 3rd generation of the ZHDZ Political Academy PLUS.

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Holger Haibach

Holger Haibach

Head of the KAS office in Croatia +385 1 4882-650 +385 1 4882-656


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