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Event Reports

Don't copy-paste, investigate!

by Ivanina Georgieva
Guided by this motto, 32 journalists from 14 countries took part in the eleventh BIRN Summer School for Investigative Journalism from the 23rd to 29th August in Mlini, Croatia.

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Together with our long-standing cooperation partner BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network), we were able to continue the long-established and very popular format of the summer school after a one-year break due to COVID-19. Participants had for the first time the opportunity to choose between four main topics and to work on their own research in small groups. The topics to choose from were: Arms, Surveillance, Agriculture and Waste.

During their joint research, the participants were supported by experts. Trainers from the non-profit organisation Lighthouse Reports as well as freelance international specialists in the field of investigative journalism shared with the research groups not only useful theoretical knowledge, but also practical know-how.

Although traditional journalistic methods never become obsolete in terms of investigative research, it is important for journalists to keep up with the latest developments and adopt new techniques for their investigations. The new digital reality provides an overabundance of information and sources of information, which however, unfiltered and unstructured, can only be used for journalistic work to a limited extent. During the theory sessions, the trainers presented different techniques and research methods to give the participants specific tools and knowledge for their ongoing research. These included, for example, open source research techniques or data journalism methods.

Complex cross-border investigations challenge even the most experienced journalist. It is particularly important not only to have the necessary professional skills and abilities, but also to maintain a dedicated network over the years that can quickly provide reliable and up-to-date information in crucial moments. The networking of journalists within the region is thus another goal of the Summer School for Investigative Journalism, which has been followed for years and repeatedly leads to successful new transnational cooperations and projects.


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