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Event Reports

Zagreb: Presentation of the handbook "ABC of Journalism" in Croatian language

by Ivanina Georgieva

followed by an Adenauer Lecture with Dr. Peter Frey

The KAS Media Programme South East Europe presented the German handbook "ABC of Journalism", translated into Croatian, in Zagreb on 21 November 2022. The event was hosted by the University of Zagreb - Faculty of Political Science and Journalism. The book launch was traditionally followed by an Adenauer Lecture - this time on digital transformation in television and the special responsibility of public service broadcasting in Germany. The speaker was Dr. Peter Frey, former editor-in-chief of ZDF.

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Hendrik Sittig, head of the KAS Media Programme, welcomed the nearly one hundred and twenty students as well the participating faculty members and handed over three hundred copies of the translated textbook to the faculty. In his welcoming speech, he emphasized the important role of quality of journalistic education: "You know - journalism is first and foremost a skill that has to be properly mastered. And journalists bear a significant social responsibility through their role in a democracy. It is not only essential to learn how to conduct investigations, write news or reportages, conduct an interview or produce a radio or television broadcast. One must also be aware of what makes a good journalist in a democratic society and what criteria quality journalism must fulfill: diligence in research and documentation, separation of opinion and news, impartiality, objectivity, incorruptibility, factual and truthful reporting." Prof. Đana Luša, Vice Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Igor Kanižaj, lecturer of the Faculty, welcomed the broad audience and expressed their gratitude on behalf of the University.

The book launch was followed by Dr. Peter Frey's lecture on "Digital Change in Television and the Special Responsibility of Public Service Broadcasting" and a Q&A session.

This year, the Media Programme translated the well-known German handbook into four languages and distributed copies to universities in Albania, Kosovo, Romania, Bulgaria, and Croatia.

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