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IMAGO / Xinhua

Country Reports

Azerbaijan - Election without a choice

by Stephan Malerius, Florian Binder

Aliyev has a new Azerbaijani parliament elected: The voter turnout of 37% speaks for itself

In the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, which were moved up due to the COP 29, President Ilham Aliyev's ‘New Azerbaijan’ party, which has been in power since 1995, won on paper. Although it only won 67 out of 125 seats, there will de facto be no independent representatives in the new Azerbaijani parliament.

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Election day was characterised by intimidation of independent candidates and threats against their election observers. With the elections, Aliyev confirms the authoritarian establishment of his country, increases the distance to Europe and presents the Western world with a dilemma: how credible can a world climate conference organised by a repressive regime be?


The full-length publication is only available in German.



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Stephan Malerius

Stephan Malerius

Leiter des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus +995322459112


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