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Jihadism in the United Kingdom

by Raffaello Pantucci

A Threat Picture since the Fall of the Caliphate's Capitals

The United Kingdom has been the target of many terrorist attacks. In our study, Raffaello Pantucci analyses the current threat situation, the corresponding counter-terrorism strategies and the political debate. The study is part of the series "Jihadist Terrorism in Europe", in which we have already analysed the situation in Germany, Austria, Belgium and France.

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Expert interview with Raffaello Pantucci

The terrorist threat environment in the UK has not disappeared, but it has changed compared to the 2000s. Back then, the UK was a prime target for al-Qaeda, and this has increased since the collapse of the ISIS caliphate in 2017.

Indeed, that year marked something of a recent apex, heralding a period of regular attacks by lone actors.

The UK also still has a persistent problem with foreign fighters who have gone to Syria and Iraq. Passport withdrawal has not eliminated the problem, it has merely displaced it.

The authorities in the UK have always focused on managing the threat through greater internal coordination. Major problems related to extremism persist, although it is not clear to what extent they are linked to the jihadist threat.

In this study, Raffaello Pantucci shows how the current threat in the UK is linked to the past. He also looks at the relevant counter-terrorism strategies, the political debate and current developments.

Read the full analysis "Jihadist Terrorism in the UK" here as a PDF.

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Felix Neumann

Felix Neumann

Counter-extremism and counter-terrorism +49 30 26996-3879

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