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Juliane Liebers

Event Reports

A Vision for a More Competitive Europe

European Data Summit 2020

"The winner takes it all" was the motto of the third European Data Summit of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS). In the framework of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the event dealt with the legal and political prerequisites for the digital single market.

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With the European Strategy on Data published on February 19th, 2020, the European Commission formulated its vision for Europe’s data economy. Several so-called Inception Impact Assessments from the European Commission contain various regulatory options. The problems have been analyzed and options have been identified for regulating the platform and data economy. At the Summit, we addressed and critically examined almost all of them. In addition to the urgency of a more efficient reactive policy in dealing with powerful digital players, the message of the Summit was that Europe must increasingly focus on a proactive digital policy.

During the conference, the KAS presented two studies it commissioned: Philip Marsden and Rupprecht Podszun dealt with the restoring of digital competition in Europe. Carolina Dackö presented her preliminary findings on ensuring a "level playing field" between European companies and state-subsidized or controlled companies from third countries, such as China or the USA.

Both studies framed the topics of the summit: From platform regulation to data trust, from data altruism to open data - for three days, "leveling the playing-field" in digital Europe was discussed.

What is the role GAIA-X plays regarding digital sovereignty in Europe? How can a legal framework for data trustees be designed? What is meant by data donations? And what can we learn from Findata, the Finnish innovation fund Sitra, or the British Open Data Institute? How does the Robert Koch Institute's data donation app work, and why is data donation so important for science? Is it justifiable to exempt certain data from the list of high value data sets because of additional financial and organizational burdens on the side of public undertakings? Is the Facebook case of the German Federal Cartel Office also a guideline for other cartel authorities in Europe?

The Covid 19 crisis has made us all aware of the importance of data in crisis management. After the crisis, Europe must be more competitive. That's why the concrete design of the Digital Service Act is so important. We need more competition, not less! The way we handle data will make a decisive contribution to Europe's economic recovery after the crisis.

On our website, you will find all panels, keynotes, interviews, and photos. In the coming months, we will review the results of the third European Data Summit and formulate concrete recommendations for action.


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Dr Pencho Kuzev


Data and the Competition Policy +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551

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