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RTA- new and independent journalism in Afghanistan

The national Afghan media-company Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) is an important partner of the KAS in the media sector. The broadcasting and television company RTA has several radio and television stations in Kabul and in other Afghan provinces. RTA devotes to an independent reporting.The cooperation between RTA and KAS had begun in the end of 2002. KAS is supporting RTA in content and with material. It supports the training of journalists and the monthly production of an independent, socio-political television magazine called “NEGA” (the view)

Priorities of cooperation

Impartial communications

Communications are a focal point in the cooperation between RTA and KAS. In history news were adjusted to governmental interests and produced to stabilize the system. The KAS is now assisting RTA to develop an impartial reporting. Therefore, KAS has initiated a trainee program for journalists – the first of its kind since 28 years in Afghanistan. Its participants, 12 young and talented trainees, constitute the heart of the new, independent news office. As soon as the Deutsche Welle (DW) will stop its regular satellite transmission from Berlin to Kabul this year in September, the news office of RTA is going to make an own international news program. Thus RTA will guarantee the foreign news in Afghanistan.

Transparent parliamentary reporting

Parliamentary journalism is one more field of cooperation between RTA and KAS. RTA wants to make the Afghan parliament more transparent. RTA makes its contribution to improve parliamentary reporting in Afghanistan which has been an insufficient field of journalism in Afghanistan for years. Consequently RTA faces to important tasks of the media in a democracy – to secure transparency and extra parliamentary control.

NEGA, "the view"

Supplementary to the measures named above the KAS supports the production and broadcasting of the social-political television magazine- “NEGA” (the view). The editorial staff of NEGA is advised in content by the KAS. NEGA is broadcasted on a monthly basis and reports about current developments in Afghanistan. It encourages discussions within the Afghan society.

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