Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher


Green Jobs in Vinnytsia City Territorial Community

Policy paper

The policy paper was prepared by the Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment” within a research project “Green Jobs in Vinnytsia. State of play and perspectives.” with financial support by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation Office

Scholarships for Study and Research in Germany

Closing date for applications: July 15th 2024

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung awards scholarships to international students from Ukraine to study at one of the over 400 universities in Germany. Our scholarship program aims at international students and graduates who have acquired a university degree and who intend to complete postgraduate or master studies, doctoral studies or a research fellowship of at least four semesters at a university in Germany.


Стипендія Sur-Place 2024/2025

Стипендіальна програма для студентів українських університетів

Стипендіальна програма Фонду Конрада Аденауера в Україні для студентів українських університетів. Кінцевий термін подання аплікаційного пакету документів: 11 серпня 2024 року. Подання документів здійснюється ЛИШЕ в електронній формі.


How to Upgrade EU Benchmarking in Fundamentals: The Case of Judicial Reform in Ukraine

Analitical paper

With this study, UCEP initiates a discussion among key stakeholders who will be involved in developing the agenda of the EU-Ukraine accession negotiations. The authors propose a new approach to the formulation of benchmarks in the Fundamentals cluster, which are currently formulated in a rather general way. Defining clear and measurable indicators in the key cluster, taking into account the national context, will allow Ukraine to move towards EU membership faster, and more efficiently while maintaining the necessary pace of reforms. The authors demonstrate the idea of changing the approach to the formulation of benchmarks on the example of the reform of the judicial system in Ukraine and call on Ukrainian and European experts to discuss improving the EU accession rules. The research was developed by the Ukrainian Center for European Policy in cooperation with the Western Balkan expert Marko Kmezic (University of Graz, Austria) and the Centre for Political and Legal Reforms (Kyiv, Ukraine) with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Ukraine.

The conference of the Ukrainian Energy Security Dialogue 2023: Resilience and Recovery


The brochure contains the summary of results of an important event in the energy sector - the Ukrainian Energy Security Dialogue 2023 conference, which brought together renowned experts, government and business representatives in Kyiv on 12 December 2023 to discuss topical issues of energy security in Ukraine.

Центр Разумкова

Українське cуспільство, держава і церква під час війни. Церковно-релігійна ситуація в Україні-2023

Інформаційні матеріали Центру Разумкова «Релігія і Церква в українському суспільстві: 2000–2023» міcтять результати соціологічного моніторингу церковно-релігійної ситуації в Україні (2000–2023рр.), у т.ч останнього загальнонаціонального опитування, проведеного у листопаді 2023 р.

Social Policy in Ukraine in the Wartime: 2022-2023 years

Policy paper

In this policy paper, Ukrainian researchers Oleksandra Betliy and Veronika Movchan from the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (Kyiv) summarise the catastrophic consequences faced by Ukrainians during the full-scale war, analyse the success of the Government's measures to mitigate them and the effectiveness of international partners' assistance, as well as the compatibility of social policy with Ukraine's European integration aspirations.

Strategic Partners of Ukraine

Project Summary

The Strategic Partners of Ukraine project was carried out by the Razumkov Centre with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ukraine and consisted of the analytical report «Strategic Partners of Ukraine», materials of the remote roundtable (a series of thematic interviews with government officials and independent experts), results of expert and nationwide surveys, and a number of original articles.

Ukrainian center for european policy

A Realistic Path towards Ukraine’s Accession to the EU

Policy paper

The Ukrainian Center for European Policy (UCEP) has joined the efforts of Ukrainian and European analysts to assess the realism of Ukraine's path to EU membership in the context of a large-scale war. The policy paper proposes an independent analysis on the current prospects of the EU enlargement from Germany, France, Spain, the Višegrad countries and the Western Balkans. UCEP's experts analyzed the situation from the Ukrainian perspective.


Як місцевим громадам готуватися до опалювального сезону під час війни


До старту Європейських Днів сталої енергії, що триватимуть в Україні до кінця червня, ФКА підтримав друк Порадника «Як місцевим громадам готуватись до опалювального сезону під час війни», у якому Асоціація «Енергоефективні міста України» зібрала практичні поради для забезпечення стійкості громад в умовах повномасштабної війни і обмеженого постачання енергоресурсів.