Education for all? - Departamento de Cooperación Europea e Internacional
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Photo Credit: Center for Education Innovations
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Education for all?
Verena Kasirye-Büllesbach
Uganda's Plan for Africa's Refugee Crisis
For years now, the landlocked country has been among those countries hosting the highest number of refugees and offering a safe haven in the midst of trouble spots such as the Democratic Republic Congo and South Sudan. Currently, an estimated 1.3 million refugees reside in Uganda. Since 61% of refugees are minors, the humanitarian crisis affects specifically the young generation. Such circumstances put additional pressure on Uganda’s constrained education system. Uganda has begun to address these issues by focusing its refugee management policies on education and the country has herein developed an internationally-praised action plan. What is the state of refugee education in the developing country Uganda, whose own citizens are already troubled by shortcomings in the education system?