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KAS Partners Meeting

Presentation on KAS's Objectives for 2019-2021

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Philippines held its 2nd Partners Meeting for the year 2018.

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The meeting served as a good opportunity for KAS and its partners to further their objectives and deepen the cooperation and strengthen synergies among them. The first part of the event began with a presentation from KAS Philippines Country Director Prof. Dr. Stefan Jost on KAS’s objectives and goals for the next three years, 2019-2021.

The latter part of the meeting saw fruitful and engaging discussions. KAS and its partners identified areas of work and cooperation where their organizations can align programs, projects, and research based on the objectives and goals previously presented by Prof. Dr. Jost.

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Konrad Adenaueri Fond, fondi õppeasutused, hariduskeskused ja välisriikides asuvad bürood korraldavad igal aastal mitu tuhat erinevat üritust mitmesugustel teemadel. Valitud konverentside, ürituste, sümpoosionide jne kohta anname teile aja- ja asjakohast teavet aadressil Siit leiate kõrvuti sisukokkuvõtetega ka täiendavaid materjale piltide, kõnede käsikirjade, videote või audiosalvestiste kujul.



Philippinen Philippinen

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