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Attack on Albanian journalist

Izvor: Index on Censorship, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

A gunman attacked the Albanian TV journalist Artur Cani on Monday, 1 December in Tirana.

Albania: Attempted assassination of investigative journalist

By Faik Konica, Albania Masked man holding gun with silencer tried to shoot Artur Cani, a journalist for TV News 24, on Monday, 1 December, around 20.30 near Cani’s home in Tirana, media reported.According to local media reports Cani said to the police officers that a masked man tried to shoot at him but the weapon got jammed and did not fire. Union of Albanian Journalists (UAJ) said it is deeply concerned after the attempted assassination of Cani. They point out that this shocking criminal act must be punished and urged for efficient investigation on the identity and motives of the perpetrator. UAJ emphasized that this unprecedented incident shows the danger and extreme risks that investigative journalist face in their work. Tirana's police said in a written statement that they are working 24/7 on discovering the perpetrator.


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