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ONE WORLD ROMANIA 2009 - Documentary Film Festival on Human Rights

The Festival Catalogue

ONE WORLD is the biggest documentary film festival on human rights in Europe. The festival started in Prague in 1999, as an initiative of Haclav Havel, and during the past 10 years expended in other cities like Bruxelles, Madrid, New York or Kiev.ONE WORLD ROMANIA was born in 2008, after one and a half years of Documentary Mondays at the Czech Center. In 2009, we decided it's time for more. Bucharest has a documentary film public and the second edition is welcomed.

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This year ONE WORLD ROMANIA comes with 5 themed categories (20 years on, Heal the wounds, Reality checks, Past imperfect, On the border) and one extra-special one – the screenings at the Czech Center.

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o ovoj seriji

Zaklada Konrad Adenauer, radionice za obrazovanje, centri za obrazovanje i uredi u inozemstvu godišnje nude više tisuća događaja o različitim temama. O odabranim konferencijama, događajima, simpozijima i sličnome izvještavamo aktualno i ekskluzivno na www.kas.de. Tu ćete osim sažetka sadržaja pronaći i dodatne materijale kao što su slike, predloške za govore, video snimke i zvučne isječke.

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Romania Romania