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"30 years in freedom"

An international youth conference organized by Fidelitas with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

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30 years ago Central Europe has become free from Soviet occupation and socialist dictatorships. The reunification of Europe started with NATO membership in 1999 and EU membership in 2004 of these countries were important steps to the reunification of Europe. Therefore, this year marks a double anniversary. To celebrate these anniversaries and to elaborate on these historical developments Fidelitas with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organizes an international youth conference with the title "30 years in freedom". 


Fidesz and the route for Christian Democracy in Europe
Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family and Youth
Panel discussion: What happened in Europe? – 1989
István Stumpf, professor, former member of the Constitutional Court of Hungary;   John O’Sullivan, President of the Danube Institute
The role of V4 in the European cooperation
Boglárka Bólya, Deputy State Secretary for European Relations of the Ministry of Justice
Constitutional experiences and development in Hungary
Balázs Orbán, Parliamentary and Strategic State Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office


Please find the detailed programme and a link to register here: https://forms.gle/GepZird2xHBhBXa17
Registration deadline: 25th November 2019.
The language of the conference is English.

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Hotel Benczúr
Benczúr u. 35.,
1068 Budapest
Zur Webseite



Frank Spengler


Bence Bauer, LL.M

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