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Visegrádi Nyári Iskola

A Századvég Alapítvány első ízben szervez Visegrádi Nyári Iskolát, melyet a Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung támogat

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The project “Visegrad Summer School: Towards an Enhanced Role of Central European Cooperation in the Future of the EU” covers a week long summer school program based in Budapest, with 20 participating students from the V4-countries and from Germany and Austria. Aiming at capitalizing intellectually on the Central European Year in Hungarian Foreign Policy, the summer school is looking for answers to the question, what Central European cooperation, with special emphasis on the Visegrad Group, can potentially offer for a brighter future of the European Union. There is one focus topic set for each day, covering various aspects of central European cooperation by the means of lectures, panel discussions, facilitated workshops and business dinners. The days are concluded by programs of cultural exchange, i.e. guided city tours with various cultural inputs, games and tasks, with the aim of raising the participants’ awareness and knowledge on the culture of the countries of the region.

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adj hozzá a naptárhoz


Budapest, Századvég Politikai Iskola


Visegrád Nyári Egyetem: Sikeresen lezajlott a Századvég első Közép-európai Nyári Egyeteme

Bence Bauer, LL.M

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Századvég Stiftung