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Youth Now: Creating Environments for Understanding

Short Course in cooperation with UWC

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Short Course - EU4Dialogue

In a time of a struggling humanity in terms of cooperation and peaceful coexistence, young generations are challenged to create new environments in which diversity is a source of positive interaction and prosperity. The EU-funded project EU4Dialogue (Component 1) seeks to encourage dialogue and foster better understanding by inviting young participants that are ready to rise to this challenge and embark on a transformative journey in joining the cross-regional Short Course “Youth Now: Creating Environments for Understanding”, that takes place in the Kakheti region in Georgia from June 17th to June 29th, 2024.

This 12-day event aims at fostering exchange, joint learning, and networking among young participants across the region, with a focus on dialogue, social entrepreneurship, social action, and communication through viral storytelling, all of which are facilitated via an experiential learning approach that encourages engagement, action and reflection. The tools taught during the course, from active listening to cooperation skills in diverse work settings, will prove useful in any career path you may choose.

We, therefore, invite young participants (aged 18 – 21) from the South Caucasus and Moldova to apply until March 24th.

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Stephan Malerius

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