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KAS/GIP Foreign Policy Talks

"Policy Perspectives from Armenia and Georgia: Reflecting on the EU’s Role in Light of Tectonic Shifts in the South Caucasus"

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KAS South Caucasus Office and the Georgian Institute of Politics are pleased to invite you to the roundtable discussion "Policy Perspectives from Armenia and Georgia: Reflecting on the EU’s Role in Light of Tectonic Shifts in the South Caucasus," which will take place on May 13 from 17:30 to 19:30 (followed by a reception) at Holiday Inn Express Yerevan (97/2 Pavstos Buzand St. Yerevan).

This edition of KAS-GIP Foreign Policy Talks will feature an analysis of Europeanization factors in Georgia and Armenia in the current geopolitical context. The roundtable discussion will bring together experts from Armenia, Georgia, and the EU, focusing, among others, on the following questions:

  • Does Armenia’s renewed interest in EU integration present a chance to reinvigorate cooperation with Georgia? Could this lead to a common Europeanization agenda of Tbilisi and Yerevan and how does the EU look at it?
  • What are the EU’s interests in the South Caucasus? To what extent does the current EaP format address the needs of Georgia and Armenia: how could it be adjusted to the new realities in the region?
  • How can the Europeanization agendas of Armenia and Georgia be safeguarded against malicious influence from Russia?

Working language: English

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Holiday Inn Express Yerevan

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